Modesty, such a lonely word
Abigail Kasner
Published: 26.07.06, 21:39
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45 Talkbacks for this article
31. To tefilin daters #26
Ars ,   the circle   (07.29.06)
You ARE a hypocric Again, you are not even making an effort to not put yourself in a situation where something could happen You are supposed to act dati if you dress it Yes that means you will slip up now and again, you are human after all But its the REPETITIVE nature of your behaviour and the fact that you are quite clearly doing ZERO to try to solve the problem that makes you a HYPOCRIT Its very convenient to say shes irresistable and say you are powerless to do anything about it THATS CALLED MAKING EXCUSES FOR YOUR BEHAVIOUR How convenient for you Hypocrit, never judge us again
32. Hativat Black hat and Highlander Trench Coat
Yozibozi   (07.29.06)
Judge a book by its cover? Clothes alone do not maketh a man Nor do they maketh a Haimi Yankel At least he can use his kippa as protection
33. double standards
Motti ,   bet shemesh   (07.29.06)
perhaps you might consider another approach. The boys who bring their tfilin to the date for use the next morning, represents that they have a compass that still guides them. Human sexulaity is 100% natural, and urges are expected from any healthy male. (and female). However, those who chose to strive to be more spritual and sometimes fail, showld not make them targets for ridicule. They also do not represent all of orthodoxy. Did you even break the law by speeding? does that make you a hypocrit ?
34. To everyone calling others "hypocrit"
Moshe Z. Matitya ,   Jerusalem, Israel   (07.30.06)
Get yourself a dictionary, or use a spell-checker. It's spelled "hypocrite", people...
35. Judging??
phillip ,   United States   (07.31.06)
I believe God doesnt judge us on what we have done, but what we do to fix. Repent, if you feal the Lord telling you. Be still, and you will know. There is no condemnation to those in Christ. I am Christian, and we all are sinners.
36. Ahavat Yisrael
Adam Shapiro ,   Cape Town, SA   (07.31.06)
How can we expect the gentiles to stop hating us when the above talkbacks show hatred between Jews. Only by true Ahavat Yisrael will we be zoche to see Mashiach bimhera veyameinu. LOVE ALL JEWS!!!!!!!
37. #35
hanina ,   usa   (07.31.06)
What do you do so wrong that classifies yu as a sinner? Do you follow the seven noachide laws, or the yushka ones? Do not expose yourself in public. Do not pick out a dried tree cause it will burn down your house. Do not choose a tiny cross cause it cannot be seen from 50 miles away. And NEVER NEVER bend down near your priest, even if you found money on the church floor.
38. #11
Sam Zion ,   Tel Aviv Israel   (08.01.06)
Its easy to judge from your armchair in NY. So what Israel is at War! Does that mean that life has to stop? While finding this blog tedious and I believe that the writer is delusional and suffers from OCD, however the fact that Israel is at war should not stop people debating or bashing each other as you put it. We have to live here not u.
39. you can still win and return
Alex ,   Canada   (08.01.06)
B"H to the author - Sholom U'vrocho.. Please please open your eyes and do teshuva. this is not about Gehinom - but something much more painful . A holy daughter of Sarah, Rochel v'Leah lead by her Yeitzer to tear herself off from HaShem. Please stop now and return - I beg and beseech you. All the pathetic excuses ("hypocrisy", everyone doing it, etc..) are the classic ones sited by those who neboch go of the derech. I know - I used these myself. We all have, our greatest sages had battled their Yetzer - you are not alone in this - but you *can* win. The alternative is death of your Neshomo, Rachamono Litzlan. And just look at these talkbacks: no sooner than a confused Jew proclaims herself "a sinner" than the goyische missionarries - yimach shmom - rush in droves to "save" her and to snatch another holy Jewish Neshomo. Wishing you a complete recovery and victory over your yeitzer b'korov mamosh. Besuros tovos Alex
40. the idiocy of ars and akoonamatata
a sinner   (08.02.06)
Ars and Akoona who i think are the same person have made some really stupid comments, to say that someone who is doing somthing wrong should just drop everything and do it all wrong!? it makes no sense! its like saying to an alcohalic to NOT stop drinking! since when does one wrong make it all wrong? its so childish to even say that. why a respected newspaper would publish such a childish article makes no sense to me! there is all this complaint of who is judging who, or who is a hypocrit, how does anybody have the right to judge another man? WHAT MAKES YOU BETTER? Ars also mentiond perks for dressing chareidi : ) what perks??? do you think you get money or something? that is one of the more stupid comments. we live in a society that tells us if its too hard or there is no instant gratification then its not worth doing what a bunch of lazy people we are. for all those that say chareidim are the closed minded ones, i think they should open their eyes, everybody is guilty of judging his fellow man, the chilony is not far away from judging the chariedi, and throwing the whole religious community in for good messure. infact you will find more often its the chilony who is doing the bashing, maybe they are insecure? just b/c some of us make poor decisions does not mean that all religious jews are fakes we are all sinners yes but some of us actually strive to be better people instead of looking for the easy way out! THE QUSTION IS, WHAT MAKES YOU BETTER?
41. Singles -- Modesty
Yisroel ,   Edison, New Jersey,   (08.03.06)
Abigail: Sorry you had such bad experiences. There are many observant singles who ARE honorable and live by what we believe in. May you find peace and joy and a REAL NICE GUY to spend the rest of your life with happily ever after. Yisroel A.
42. to sinner
nothing makes anyone able to judge other people, but one can make an important observation here: if people who are religious feel the need to go around preaching all sorts of hogwash to non religious people then they really ought to practice what they preach first. You cannot say to other people ''do x y and z'', and then do the exact opposite yourself. I personally agree with most people here that that is somewhat hypocritical. I think thats quite obvious
43. To Abigail:
Eva ,   USA   (08.04.06)
Abigail, I once was where you are at, in that I was shocked and repulsed by the religious world. I could not understand when people told me with their lips they were one thing and showed me with their actions they were another. For years it bothered me but now I can see a little better. People hide behind "religion". They look the part on the outside but on the inside they are filthy. I believe G-d wants a people who will serve Him because they love Him. When we look "Holy" on the outside and say "Holy" things with our lips but our deeds are far from holy then we are taking the name of the LORD our Elohim in vain and He will not hold them guiltless that takes His name in vain. So, G-d is their judge. So, what are you to do now? You are one of the smart ones. You recognize the wrong in what they do. Good girl. Now does that mean that you turn away from the teaching and instructions of G-d. I don't think so. You see you are to Love the LORD your Elohim with all your heart, soul and mind. Don't let them drive you from G-d. That is not true love for Him. Instead go to Him and tell Him and ask Him to help you know the true way. Seek and you will find Him. Reply to this if you need futher assistance. I will be glad to help you.
44. To #42, What about someone who smokes?
TefilinDater ,   Washington, DC   (08.07.06)
42, haven't you ever met a person who talks against smoking even though they do it? Is it hypocritical? Yes but does that mean they shouldn't be listened to? In fact, when they tell you its wrong, its because they know it! Yes, I know what I did is wrong and each time I say I won't do it again. When the next time it happened, I didn't rationalize it. I knew I should not do it. do you know who is to blame? The Reform and Conservative Movements because if they didn't cause my girlfriend's grandparents and parents to reduce their observance, she would have been more ready to get married instead of just wanting physical intimacy. I don't blame her at all. But she expected something from me and I let my guard down so my emotions and desires got the better of me. But I would tell anyone else, don't do it!!!!
45. what's wrong with you?
rachel ,   ny, usa   (08.22.06)
what's wrong with u? i read your article on and all i have to say is: not all religous boys are like the ones depicted in your story (so hey watch out the way u speak.) and second, if u look hard enough in the right section of religiosity (one that is similar to your's now) g-d willing u will find an appropriate match. remember, if deep down (and that is how it seems to me by what u wrote) u still are interested in a guy who dresses "in black" remember it is never too late and i'm sure there are many ppl that have reached and /or are in the same circumstance that u find yourself in today. so please, do me a favor, and don't give up! if u do- u r only losing out- yea, i mean wha t i say ....hold on tight as u journey on your life's rollercoaster but bare in mind Hashem only wants the best for you. so, Think good and good will be. Lots of luck in the future and i hope to hear the good news of when u will find your bashert and be happily married to Mr. Perfect. :)
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