1. So!! I upgraded my Corrolla too. Nobody cares.
Asem , |
MiddleEast |
(08.01.07) |
2. Why didn't the big Zionist Gaydamak buy an Israeli plane?
Rupert , |
Jerusalem |
(08.01.07) |
3. At least they pay them for themselves, Olmert does not
Ignacio , |
Zaragoza, Spain |
(08.01.07) |
We all see it when Livni I-do-not-speak-any-languages came to Spain to join Moratinos in support of Hizbullah.
4. Buy israeli
Christian , |
Norway |
(08.01.07) |
Why does not those buisnessmen buy the very nice israeli airplane?
I'm surpised!!
5. buying forign airplanes
Asher , |
Bet Shemesh |
(08.01.07) |
Gaydemac et al. have Israeli planes. The Gulfstream Galaxy G200 is built by IAI, but Galaxy in the USA produces and sells larger aircraft also. There is no large Israeli plane.
6. #1-I care! What model Corrolla did you get? Air Conditioned?
Gary A. MD , |
Boston MA USA |
(08.01.07) |
I am proud of you Asem. What color did you get.
7. So this is supposed to be, like, news?
In big grown-up countries like America, people buy business jets and Gulfstreams all the time, and it doesn't make the front page.
I don't see the need to make the average Israeli drool with envy at this article, or make our enemies call us zionist colonial pigs for anything and everything we do. Just my opionion, but thanks for the space to write our opinion anyway Ynet !
8. Canondale Pro-Carbon
E.S. , |
montreal, canada |
(08.01.07) |
I bought the new Cannondale Pro-Carbon Prophet 3-SL, one of the best moutain bike ever! It rocks and it's soooo light - crazy.
Please everyone, tell us in the talkbacks section what you bought the last few weeks and why. Don't be shy.
9. Gaydamak,Leviev buy new personel jets
"Frankly my dear I don't give a........"!
Howis this news? Is this meant to shame them perhaps for wasting money on themselves when so many people here are going hungry, don't have a decent place to live? Or to shame them to contribute funds to build bomb shelters in the North,Sderot incase of war,or to donate funds to fortify the hospitals,or to help with the purchase of gasmasks for everyone? Now an article about how the rich in this country actually give to the poor,or provide money for the needs of the many would be worth while reading not this article though!
10. all great things come from small
the upgrader , |
israel |
(08.01.07) |
my son just got rid of his stabilizers and now hes upgraded to a 100 shekel model,and my dog has got a new bowl.....
12. Just ordered a new Chev Impala
Baby that thing rocks...Nothing like 3800ilbs of american steel rolling down the highway.
Makes the Jap dreck simply that, Jap dreck.
13. Great news
ados , |
Boston,USA |
(08.02.07) |
To #10. It`s a great news. Your dog has bought herself a new bowl.
Speaking about dreck, let's see how many times you'll be rolling down the highway waiting for the tow truck :-).
p.s. You should try my new LS 460...:-)))
Yehuda Miller , |
Jerusalem |
(08.02.07) |
I am very happy for both Mr. Arcadi Gaydamak and Mr. Lev Leviev.
I would do the same if i had their kind of money, they both deserve to do what they choose to with their money, without all of you readers talkback sick with jealousy comments. Both Mr. Arcadi Gaydamak and Mr. Lev Leviev have done more than anyone has ever done for the people of Israel and Jews world round. You all make me sick with your gimmy gimmy all the time nobody owes you anything wake up and make the best with what you all have. I am sure that if you were all very wealthy you would also have hot tubs in your private jets while buzzing over the homes of your none wealthy friends. Let's face it its time you all got real and looked in your own plates. Have a great day!
What Jet model did Arcadi purchase Gulfstream have several models G150 - G200 - G350 - G450 - G500 - G550 etc. Gulfstream doesn't have a $52,000,000 shell model so what is the difference Israeli Jealousy taxes? GOOD GOING ARCADI ENJOY!
17. Gulfstream...
Avi Aviron , |
Hod Hasharon |
(08.05.07) |
Screw that, I'd get a couple of A-26 Invaders with the On-Mark conversion for corporate use. True it's a little slower, but they're a kick to fly in. and if you've retained the glass nose, there's no better view. With 2 Pratt & Whitney R-2800-27 "Double Wasp" radials, they make an incredible sound.
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