US tourist diagnosed with 'Jerusalem Syndrome' jumps off building
Ahiya Raved
Published: 25.05.08, 07:11
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34 Talkbacks for this article
31. Rivkah gets it right!
Mark ,   Chicago , USA   (05.27.08)
I read many posts and by far I would say that Rivkah makes the most sense. I think the truth he presents really agitates those afflicted by the evil one. Thanks and please keep up the good work, the Lord protects you!
lisa ,   usa   (05.27.08)
can YOU keep the ten commandments of GOD? This is not Humanly possible. Because the priests and rabbi's tried to do what was right in human eyes, they became blinded to what was right in GODS eyes. JESUS was the ONLY SINLESS human in entire history. God sent himself in human form, and as a baby so he went through every emotion and situation we go through today. He was raised on the 3 rd day, in fulfillment of the scriptures and prophicies of isaih and in hebrews. He IS THE SACRIFICIAL LAMB OF THE WHOLE WORLD, to cleans all of our souls. When you ask GOD to show you who is JESUS, he will bring you to the SHEPERD of the lost sheep(US) Believe in him and you shalll have ETernal LIfe and be BORN AGAIN...(OF Holy Spirit)...One must be baptised in water and of spirit
33. Solution to Palestinian problem
Henry ,   Toronto, Canada   (05.28.08)
This is the perfect solution to the Palestinian problem. Open up the Israeli border to all Palestinians so that they can visit the holy sites and be overcome with ecstasy. First thing, though, is that the Jews have to convert them to Christianity.
34. 27 Jerry: A fool says in his heart there is no God.
Rivkah   (05.28.08)
That is what the Bible says. Be careful about what you say. The Bible is true. What do you think HIS-story is? (History?) It is HIS story, the story of God.
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