Bnei Brak, J'lem still have highest rate of virus spread in Israel

Latest data shows the 2 cities are followed by Beit Shemesh, Modi'in Illit as well as 7 Arab and Bedouin towns, when it comes to COVID-19 infections; some major cities, including Tel Aviv, Ashkelon and Ramla, report no new infections over past 24 hours
Adir Yanko|
Jerusalem and the ultra-Orthodox city of Bnei Brak have the highest rate of coronavirus spread rates in the country, said a report published by health officials Monday.
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  • In Jerusalem, 132 new cases were confirmed over the past three days, followed by Bnei Brak with 81.
    The two cities are followded by Beit Shemesh with 24 new cases, Modi'in Illit with 23 and the southern Bedouin town of Hura with 16.
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    מהומות בבית כנסת בירושלים שם התקהלו מתפללים
    מהומות בבית כנסת בירושלים שם התקהלו מתפללים
    A prayer being held in Jerusalem against health orders
    (Photo: Eli Mendelbaum)
    Out of the 10 cities with the highest infection rates, seven are Arab and the rest are Jewish. Among the Arab towns are Ar'arat an-Naqab, Kafr Kanna, Majd al-Krum, Yeruham, Sakhnin, Kiryat Tiv'on, Yokne'am Illit, Nahf and Maghar.
    Last Wednesday, Israeli government approved emergency measures placing nighttime curfews on Muslim-majority towns during the holy month of Ramadan. Mosques are set to remain shuttered and people were asked to refrain from large family gatherings for the holiday.
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    Muslims in Jerusalem's old city praying during Ramadan
    Muslims in Jerusalem's old city praying during Ramadan
    Muslims in Jerusalem's old city praying during Ramadan
    All stores in towns with Muslim-majority population, aside from pharmacies, were to be closed to the public from 6 p.m. to 3 a.m. to discourage people from congregating during the holy month.
    In the meantime, several cities including Tel Aviv, Ramla, Gadara, Tayebi, Hod Hasharon and Ashkelon – have not reported any new cases over the past few days.
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