Ministers set to extend lockdown by additional week following fines' hike row

Coronavirus testing results show 10% positivity rate as 1,162 hospitalized in serious condition with 298 on ventilators; Knesset to pass bill doubling fines to individuals flouting coronavirus restrictions; Ben Gurion Airport shuttering to be extended by two weeks
Itamar Eichner, Itay Blumenthal, i24NEWS|
Ministers were set to meet Sunday to extend Israel's lockdown following week-long disagreements between lawmakers over the passing of a bill that will raise fines for individuals flouting public health restrictions.
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  • On Sunday the Health Ministry reported 2,596 new COVID-19 cases after 26,817 tests conducted indicating a 10% positivity rate. There are currently 1,162 people hospitalized in serious condition with 298 of them on ventilators. After an additional 23 people died on Saturday, the death toll since the start of the Pandemic stands on 4,745.
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    A police checkpoint in central Israel enforcing lockdown travel restrictions
    A police checkpoint in central Israel enforcing lockdown travel restrictions
    A police checkpoint in central Israel enforcing lockdown travel restrictions
    (Photo: Israel Police)
    The country's third national lockdown, which is entering its fourth week, is scheduled to expire just after midnight if no action will be taken by the government to extend it.
    The government was also set to extend the shuttering of Ben Gurion Airport by an additional two weeks, following recommendations by the Health Ministry, and approve a special cross-ministerial committee to approve the return of the thousands of Israelis stranded abroad. The airport was shut last week after the recent surge in cases was attributed to British and South African variants brought in by Israelis returning from abroad.
    Defense Minister Benny Gantz threatened last week to scuttle the extension if fines were not raised against lockdown violations in a move aimed at some in the ultra-Orthodox community who have repeatedly defied restrictions over the last several weeks.
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    מחלקת קורונה בית חולים שיבא תל השומר
    מחלקת קורונה בית חולים שיבא תל השומר
    A coronavirus ward at Sheba Medical Center
    (Photo: AFP)
    Lawmakers were convening in a rare Sunday session to pass the bill, which will double fines for flouting lockdown restrictions and enable police officers to shut down institutions that are operating against the rules.
    Health Minister Yuli Edelstein reported Sunday that three million Israelis, more than 30% of the population, have already received the coronavirus vaccine, with 1,729,000 having received the second dose.

    i24NEWS contributed to this article
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