Sudanese welcome normalization with Israel online

Netanyahu's meeting with Sudan leader 2 weeks ago props up a wave of positive comments in the African country calling to strengthen ties with 'Sister Israel'
Itamar Eichner|
Over the past two weeks, the Foreign Ministry has been swamped by Arabic-language comments on its social media pages that appear to originate in Sudan.
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  • The phenomenon looks to be the aftermath Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu meeting with Chairman of the Sovereignty Council of Sudan Abdel Fattah al-Burhan in Uganda two weeks ago. More and more new followers from the predominantly Muslim country have begun following the Foreign Ministry's social media pages and publishing largely positive comments about Israel and the warming relations between the two countries.
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    הפרגון של הסודנים ברשתות החברתיות
    הפרגון של הסודנים ברשתות החברתיות
    "Yes to full normalization"
    The Arabic branch of the Department of Digital Diplomacy in the Foreign Ministry said the posts published on its Facebook, Twitter, YouTube and Instagram accounts received a massive response from Sudanese followers, whose presence was roughly non-existent so far.
    Now, they welcome normalization with Israel and even say that in this day and age, every country should think of its own national interests, adding that the hollow, hate-filled slogans against Israel have not benefited the Sudanese people.
    According to the ministry, the few responses denouncing normalization were negligible in comparison to the positive feedback.
    Nasser, a Sudanese citizen, left a comment quoting an Egyptian intellectual who previously said that "interests are the rock on which the strongest principles are shattered."
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    הפרגון של הסודנים ברשתות החברתיות
    הפרגון של הסודנים ברשתות החברתיות
    "We the Sudanese people support you, welcome to our country"
    Another user named Yusuf wrote that reconciliation and cooperation are the solution to the situation between the two nations that will lead to progress and prosperity.
    Another user named Mohammed, posted photos of the two countries' flags with a heart drawn between them, writing that Sudan is a sovereign country that puts the interests of its people first and foremost, a country that has a right to choose who its allies and friends are.
    A user named Khaled, wished for further warming of Israeli-Sudanese ties.
    "We, in Sudan, are wishing for the day the flags of both countries will fly over Jerusalem and Khartoum and hope it will be very soon. Shalom and Marhaba to the State of Israel."
    Sudanese users thanked their leader for meeting with Netanyahu and did not spare criticism from those opposing the move.
    Some users have also started commenting phrases such as "Sister Israel" and "yes to normalization" on the Foreign Ministry's posts in recent days.
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