11-year-old seriously ill from coronavirus sees improvement

Tests show the girl, who was Israel's youngest patient in serious condition, no longer has the pathogen; doctors at Rambam Healthcare Campus believe she will quickly recuperate and could even be home within days
An 11-year-old girl in serious condition with complications from COVID-19 has seen some improvement, Haifa’s Rambam Healthcare Campus said Tuesday.
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  • Tests have shown the girl, the country's youngest coronavirus patient in serious condition, no longer has the virus, and her overall condition has also improved.
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    מחלקת הקורונה בבית החולים רמבם בחיפה
    מחלקת הקורונה בבית החולים רמבם בחיפה
    The coronavirus special care unit in Rambam Healthcare Campus in Haifa
    (Photo: Rambam Healthcare Campus)
    Dr. Yossi Ben-Ari, director of the pediatric intensive care unit at Rambam Healthcare Campus, said he believes the girl will quickly recuperate and could be back home within days.
    The girl, who is from from Beitar Illit, had been staying with her family at a hotel in Tiberias designated for coronavirus patients.
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    בית חולים פוריה
    בית חולים פוריה
    Medics don protective gear against coronavirus at Poriya Hospital in Tiberias
    (Photo: Courtesy)
    She was hospitalized Friday at the city's Poriya Hospital with constant vomiting, high fever and lack of appetite.
    On Saturday, the girl's condition deteriorated further and her doctors began to fear that she had inflammation around her heart (pericarditis).
    She suffered another downturn during, prompting the medical team to sedate her and put her on a ventilator before transferring her to Rambam.
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