Israel needs a friend in the White House

Opinion: Trump delivered 3 peace deals for Israel and moved the Palestinian naysayers to the side, Biden is set to bring them back; as Israelis we must see the election from our own perspective and Trump is the friend Israel needs
Limor Livnat|
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The fact there has not been a landslide victory for Joe Biden has left the self-proclaimed political experts in shock.
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  • "How is that possible?" they ask? After all polls showed Biden headed for a decisive win over the incumbent, a standup comedian of sorts, untrustworthy and crazy, some even say racist president. It is time, they say, to unite the divided country and Biden is the man for the job.
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    ארה"ב בחירות דונלד טראמפ עצרת פלורידה
    ארה"ב בחירות דונלד טראמפ עצרת פלורידה
    U.S. President Donald Trump at a final election Rally in Florida on Monday
    (Photo: AP)
    If we were American citizens with the right to vote, we would have been praising the economy under the Trump administration, but as Israelis we must concentrate on the president's policy towards Israel. On any U.S. president's policy, not just Trump's.
    In that regard, Trump has been a star. He has succeeded fabulously. More than any of his predecessors.
    Democratic ex-President Barack Obama, who had answered the call to help his former VP across the finish line, had been a Nobel Peace laureate, despite having brought about no peace, anywhere in the world and certainly not in the Middle East.
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    שר החוץ של בחריין: עבד אל-לטיף אל-זיאני שר החוץ של איחוד האמירויות: עבדאללה בן זאיד דונלד טראמפ בנימין נתניהו חתימת הסכם השלום בין ישראל לאיחוד האמירויות בבית הלבן
    שר החוץ של בחריין: עבד אל-לטיף אל-זיאני שר החוץ של איחוד האמירויות: עבדאללה בן זאיד דונלד טראמפ בנימין נתניהו חתימת הסכם השלום בין ישראל לאיחוד האמירויות בבית הלבן
    The White House ceremony for the peace agreement between Israel and the UAE and normalization of relations with Bahrain in September
    (Photo: GPO)
    But Obama enjoyed massive popularity among Americans, the media and the Nobel committee and that has not helped Israel at all.
    Trump, the bad boy, brought Israel three peace agreements with more countries lining up to do the same, leaving the Palestinians, the naysayers, cast to the side. For years everyone has said that for Israel peace with other Arab countries is impossible as long as the Palestinian issue persists. Trump managed to achieve that, Still, no Nobel Peace Prize.
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    דונלד טראמפ ובנימין נתניהו
    דונלד טראמפ ובנימין נתניהו
    Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Donald Trump
    (Photo: MCT)
    Trump is unlikable and people like to dislike him. But on Tuesday, Americans have shown they do like their president.
    They did not cast him out, they ignored the media pundits, criticism of him, they ignored the New York Times, and CNN and followed their own hearts. He might not emerge victorious, but he gave it his all and definitely wasn't obliterated like many had predicted.
    Finally, trump was the only president, out of long line of U.S. leaders who made similar promises, to actually move the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. He was also the first to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital and the Golan Heights as being under our sovereignty.
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    U.S. President Donald Trump at the Western Wall during his visit in 2017
    U.S. President Donald Trump at the Western Wall during his visit in 2017
    U.S. President Donald Trump at the Western Wall during his visit in 2017
    (Photo: AP)
    He may not have greenlit Israel's annexation of West Bank settlements but has stopped the practice of opposing every Israeli construction in the area.
    Biden, we can already be sure, will bring the Palestinian issue back on the agenda, and will likely suspend any further peace agreements with moderate Arab nations in the region.
    We would fair far better with a friend in the White House, even if his character is not beyond reproach.
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    There has been one
    There has been one who gave to Israel the biggest military aid in history, then came a moron (says Rex Tillerson) who gave F-35 to the arabs, bowed to erdo, left the Kurds to be killed, didn't protect his saudi ally ... but hey, he was bibi's special friend ... there could have been another instead, Hillary, but king bibi did all he could and Israel ended up with a bunch of other special friends like erdo the nostalgic ottoman, KGB putin and donald (the moron)
    Avi L.| 11.07.20
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    Useless information!
    The real winners of this election are Iran, China & palestinians!
    tiki| 11.06.20
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    Dont think if biden gd forbid wins hell be able to get peace treaty with pa and isreal when obama couldn't hows biden and because the Senate is still republic it would very hard
    Fred| 11.05.20
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