MK Ahmed Tibi, who co-heads the Joint List, a union of predominantly Arab parties, said on Monday that the fatal shooting a man suffering from autism in the Old City of Jerusalem on Friday was the result of ingrained racism among police.
Tibi also suggested the newly appointed Minister of Public Security, Amir Ohana, may have stoked the fire when he told officers that anyone threatening their safety has their own blood on their garment.
"When you shoot a helpless person with such ease, there's a reason," said Tibi. "The drive, the motivation, the upbringing, and maybe Public Security Amir Ohana's remarks to the cops. He did not attack a police officer, he was attacked by them."
You tell a cop to shoot in order to kill, so now the cops think they have unlimited protection. Dozens of Arab Israeli citizens were shot and killed to this day."
Tibi also criticized Israel's policy of demolishing illegal construction in Arab communities and the government's intention to extend Israeli sovereignty to parts of the West Bank.
In recent days, Moustafa Younes was shot, Iyad Halak was shot, and four houses in Tira were demolished, houses in the Negev are razed daily. This is the main picture we have been seeing in recent days and this is the reason that we will present today a motion of no confidence in the government."
Another reason is the upcoming annexation. Israel markets itself as peaceful, but it is far from it. Annexation is not just an adventure, it's a philosophy for those on the right who think that there is no Palestinian people."