Former hostage says she was held with Yarden Bibas in Hamas tunnels

Adina Moshe says she saw Yarden Bibas and Ofer Kalderon in cages in the Hamas tunnel and spoke with them several times

Adina Moshe, who was freed in the hostage deal after spending 49 days in Hamas captivity, shared Thursday that she saw hostages Yarden Bibas and Ofer Kalderon from Kibbutz Nir Oz held in cages while she was in a tunnel under Gaza.
"There were cages there. I approached, and it was completely dark. I asked, 'Why are you in a cage?' and they said they didn’t know. When I asked if they had confronted Hamas, it turned out they had. During the abduction, they had confronted Hamas," she recalled in an interview with Army Radio.
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הפגנה למען החזרתם של החטופים בכרמי גת
הפגנה למען החזרתם של החטופים בכרמי גת
Ex hostage Adina Moshe
(Photo: Ilana Cureil)
"I took a few steps backward, slowly, thinking: 'Let's see if the Hamas guards look away for a moment.' Ofer and Yarden told me their story. I immediately started thinking about what I could do with this information later on," she added.
Two days later, Moshe said she approached the commander of the unit guarding them. "I told him I heard people speaking Hebrew and that they were from Nir Oz. He asked, 'From Nir Oz? How do you know?' I told him to bring them to join us. Two days later, he brought them to us for an hour, then returned them to the cage. The next day, he brought them back for two hours."
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תיעוד קשה: רגע חטיפתו של ירדן ביבס לעזה
תיעוד קשה: רגע חטיפתו של ירדן ביבס לעזה
Yarden Bibas (in the middile) kidnapped to Gaza
When asked if Yarden Bibas knew what happened to Shiri and the children during the abduction, she explained: "He said he left the safe room and confronted the Hamas terrorists. Shiri and the children stayed inside. He told us, 'I really hope they didn’t get to them, because the terrorists in my house captured me and took me to the meeting point at the kibbutz, and from there, they took me to Khan Younis.' He believed that for a long time. At some point, I asked Hamas if Shiri and the children were with them. They told me it would take time to find out. I established a good and fair relationship with Hamas from the beginning, understanding it would be in our best interest."
Moshe added she has not seen the images from the tunnel where six hostages were murdered, which were recently revealed by IDF spokesperson Brig. Gen. Daniel Hagari. "Since October 7, I've only been listening to music," she said.
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