They fight for land, but we fight - above all - for life

Opinion: I propose that for every murdered hostage, Israel claim a square kilometer from Gaza for agricultural purposes; The IDF will create an army of volunteer farmers who will cultivate the former Palestinian land and grow seasonal crops there

Alon Goldstein|
The six hostages were murdered more than a week ago in the most brutal manner imaginable and Israel has not responded. Some ministers, Knesset members and former politicians posted their statements, the prime minister convened two press conferences with lots of words and drawings in two languages. However, no one specified what price would be claimed from Hamas, let alone the general consequences.
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תיעוד מתוואי המנהרה שאותר בשדה פלפלים ופעילות צוות הקרב של חטיבה 7 בשכונת חמד
תיעוד מתוואי המנהרה שאותר בשדה פלפלים ופעילות צוות הקרב של חטיבה 7 בשכונת חמד
IDF finds tunnel shafts in Gazan pepper farm
(Photo: IDF Spokesperson's Unit)
There is no doubt that we should exact a high price from Hamas, preferably as soon as possible. The general Israeli response, from the statements and inaction of the leaders to the huge demonstrations in the streets and the abysmal discourse, will not prevent the terrorists in Gaza from repeating the horrific act again and again. Regardless of the deal, we must draw a clear and painful line in the sand and declare that this is the price for murdering hostages.
So here's a proposal for an appropriate Zionist response, and thanks to Major General Moti Almoz for the inspiration. It has already been said by all sides, both here and in Gaza, that the land is their weakness, more than the blood of their loved ones. More than anything, they fight and claim the land. And we, more than anything, fight for life.
Whether these are our children, our soldiers or our hostages, since Hamas has hurt and continues to hurt us, we have to hurt it as much as we can. Take its land. And how do you take territory without falling into the divisive issue of building new settlements? Since building settlements is currently problematic in many ways, internal and external, we must establish an IDF unit for agriculture called the Israel Agricultural Army.
The area of ​​the Gaza Strip is about 370 square kilometers. A total of 251 Israelis were abducted, 70 of whom were murdered by the genocidal monsters. I propose that for every hostage they murder, we claim a square kilometer from the Strip in the areas adjacent to the Gaza border communities to be used by the IDF.
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מימין למעלה: הירש גולדברג-פולין, עדן ירושלמי, אורי דנינו. מימין למטה: אלמוג סרוסי, כרמל גת, אלכס לובנוב
מימין למעלה: הירש גולדברג-פולין, עדן ירושלמי, אורי דנינו. מימין למטה: אלמוג סרוסי, כרמל גת, אלכס לובנוב
The murdered hostages
(Photo: Courtesy of the families)
The Agriculture Army will be an army of volunteer farmers, who will cultivate the former Palestinian land and grow seasonal crops such as wheat, barley, oats, corn, watermelons (one of the "symbols" perversely appropriated by pro-Palestinian movements), and more. The entire nation will be able to provide seedlings, equipment and even working hands. The produce will be marketed by the farmers in Israel at favorable prices and the earnings can be allocated for the reconstruction of the surrounding area, the rehabilitation of the north, and the welfare of the hostages' families.
Every square meter of crops will be commemorated in the name of a hostage who did not return, both on a sign in the field and on the maps. These areas should be controlled by the IDF for at least a decade even after the end of the war, hopefully as part of the process of dismantling Hamas and the release of the rest of the hostages. The land will serve as insurance and will distance Gazans from the border fences.
Such a move would have a triple positive effect: it would exact a physical, lasting, and clear price from Hamas, in their one weakness; it will serve as a buffer between Gaza and the Israeli communities without establishing new settlements; and commemorate the hostages who were murdered through land and fertility.
And there is also another effect, perhaps the most important of all. We will teach our enemies a Middle Eastern lesson. If you kidnap and kill, you will not inherit this land, you will lose your lands.
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