Syria military chief allows Iranian drones to strike Israel without Assad's knowledge

Abdul Karim Mahmoud Ibrahim goes behind the Syrian president's back to provide Syrian weapons to the Iran-backed terror group, causes Israeli strikes on Syrian positions and visits Iran in secret  

Syria's Chief of General Staff Gen. Abdul Karim Mahmoud Ibrahim worked to increase Syria's dependence on Iran and Syria, behind the back of President Bashar Al Assad, the Saudi Arabian Al-Hadath channel reported on Thursday.
According to the report, Abdul Karim visited Tehran without the president's knowledge and was believed to have supplied Syrian military weapons to Hezbollah.
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נשיא סוריה בשאר אל-אסד ועבד אל-כרים מחמוד איבראהים הרמטכ"ל של צבא סוריה
נשיא סוריה בשאר אל-אסד ועבד אל-כרים מחמוד איבראהים הרמטכ"ל של צבא סוריה
Bashar al-Assad, Abdul Karim Mahmoud Ibrahim
(Photo: Reuters )
He approved Hezbollah firing attack drones from Syrian territory at Israel, prompting Israeli attacks against Syrian military position. "He is a threat to Syrian stability and has damaged critical installations," the report said quoting sources.
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תיעוד: התקיפה הישראלית בפרברי דמשק
תיעוד: התקיפה הישראלית בפרברי דמשק
Aftermath of an Israeli strike on Syria
( Photo: Louai Beshara / AFP)
The general was appointed to head the military in 2022 after Assad's reshuffle of his forces. He has since participated in joint military exercises with Russian forces
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