Pro-Hamas imam calls to 'take out' Israeli professor at Columbia University

 The imam incited students against Professor Shai Davidai calling on them 'to create a situation that gets him into trouble and take him out'; The Israeli professor addressed the university administration: 'Are you OK with a pro-terror student organization inviting a Hamas-supporting imam that's telling students to "take out" one of your Jewish professors?'

Columbia University professor Shai Davidai, who has been harassed in the past by antisemitic faculty and students, recently received threats from a Hamas-supporting imam. In a public video, the imam, Tom Facchine, is seen instructing the Students for Justice in Palestine group to act against the Israeli professor in order to "create a situation that gets him into trouble and takes him out."
The imam also said in the video that such an action could "silence" another 100 Jewish professors.
Davidai responded, posting on the X platform on Saturday night that "Students for 'Justice' in Palestine at Columbia invited an imam who instructed them to target me and "create a situation" that gets me in trouble." He also wrote: "Hey Columbia, Are you OK with a pro-terror student organization inviting a Hamas-supporting imam that's telling students to 'take out' one of your Jewish professors?"

Davidai published the disturbing video showing the imam addressing the group of students last week, instructing them on "how to deal with the Jewish faculty" at the academic institution. The Israeli researcher continued: "As a reminder, Students for 'Justice' in Palestine is the pro-terror organization responsible for illegal encampments on campus and the violent takeover of a university building. They honor suicide bombers as martyrs. They celebrate terror attacks against civilians. And they do so with Columbia's support."
Davidai also described the imam's record: "Who is this imam, Tom Facchine, who's teaching @Columbia students how to engage in 'Islamic Political Activism' (their words, not mine)? This is a guy who, on October 10 (a mere three days after the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust), openly supported the Hamas terrorists who raped, tortured, murdered, and slaughtered more than 1,450 people. Now he is being honored by @Columbia students.
Davidai also wrote: "Tom Facchine preaches at a mosque in Utica, NY, and enjoys all the freedoms of American civilizations. This doesn't stop him from preaching for Sharia law and stating that receiving "70 lashes" is merciful. Should this be allowed near university students? Is this what he means by targeting and stating that receiving '70 lashes' is mercy. Should this be allowed for university students?"
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המרצה הישראלי שי דוידאי מסורב כניסה לאוניברסיטת קולומביה בניו יורק, ארה"ב בצל המחאה הפרו-פלסטינית שהתקיימה בפנים
המרצה הישראלי שי דוידאי מסורב כניסה לאוניברסיטת קולומביה בניו יורק, ארה"ב בצל המחאה הפרו-פלסטינית שהתקיימה בפנים
Israeli lecturer Shai Davidai is refused entry to Columbia University during a pro-Palestinian protest taking place there
(Photo: Stefan Jeremiah/AP)
Davidai a professor of business administration at Columbia University, added: "Of course, Students for 'Justice' in Palestine at @Columbia aren't satisfied with mere support for terrorism. Tom Facchine is also a bone-fide antisemite, claiming that Jews "run the hospital system" and "the school system."
The imam's lecture and Davidai's response come against the backdrop of a spate of antisemitic incidents in institutions of higher education in the United States. The Israeli lecturer, who was previously not allowed to enter the Columbia University campus out of fear for his safety, said at the time. "I'm not sure, but this may be the first time since Nazi Germany that a Jewish lecturer is not allowed to enter the place where he works."
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