Italy's timid approach to Hamas and Muslim Brotherhood fuel rise in antisemitic violence

Analysis - Rise in Italian antisemitism has been more apparent since October 7, with a plethora of Pro-Hamas preachers making their voices heard and only a fraction punished for their hateful narrative

Giovanni Giacarone|Updated:
We are seeing a normalization of hateful narrative against Jews across Italy, often disguised as “antizionism. Pro-Hamas hate preachers frequently attack Jews and Israel on Italian social media and at public rallies. This is nothing new. However, in May 2021, during a street speech in Bologna’s main square, called Piazza Maggiore, Pakistani preacher Zulfiqar Khan stated that:“… Jews are cruel and they use intelligence to harm others”.
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יצחק הרצוג נועד עם ראש ממשלת איטליה, ג'ורג'ה מלוני
יצחק הרצוג נועד עם ראש ממשלת איטליה, ג'ורג'ה מלוני
Israeli President Herzog with Italian PM Meloni
(Photo: Alberto PIZZOLI / AFP)

Antisemitic incident surge post October 7

Then, more recently, in November 2023, during the Italian mainstream TV show “Dritto e Rovescio”, Khan, the same Pakistani preacher Khan stated: “The Israelites are the terrorists and deceivers according to the Bible” posted two fatwa-like videos on the Islamic Center’s Facebook page where he verbally attacked Italian-Egyptian Allam, accusing him of slandering Islam, apostasy and for speaking at a pro-Israel conference.

Italian ministers reticent to condemn

It is worth noting that on July 9 of 2024, during a response to a parliament inquiry on Khan’s activity, the Italian Minister of Interior, Matteo Piantedosi, referred to the preacher’s positions as “intransigent”. But Minister Piantedosi must understand that Khan’s positions are certainly not “intransigent”, they are instead hateful and extremely dangerous.

Lack of action on terrorist funding

On October 10, just three days into the war, a Palestinian activist Mohammed Hannoun stated the attack on Israel perpetrated by Hamas was “self-defense”. On July 19, during a sermon he held as imam of a mosque in Genoa, Italy, he accused Israel of destroying hospitals, schools, and mosques in Gaza. In July of 2023, the Israeli Ministry of Defense then asked the Italian police to seize Hannoun’s money. Despite the accounts being frozen, in June 2024, Hannoun opened a new charity named “Golden Dome” and started to collect funds once again.

Italian political support of known activists

Hannoun has also received support from Italian left-wing political figures such as Laura Boldrini, Nicola Fratoianni, Michele Piras, Alessandro Di Battista, and Stefania Ascari, as indicated on several occasions by the Italian press, but this whole situation does not seem to be exclusively political. Hannoun has alternative support in Italy in the form of religious activists. On January 27th, 2024, Shoah Memorial Day, a pro-Palestinian unauthorized demonstration led by Hannoun and other well-known Palestinian activists, was held in Milan’s via Padova, a street rife with Muslims.
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"לא לאנטישמיות ולא לטרור" עצרת בהובלת הקהילה היהודית ברומא, איטליה
"לא לאנטישמיות ולא לטרור" עצרת בהובלת הקהילה היהודית ברומא, איטליה
Pro-Israeli rally in Rome
(Photo: Matan Zehavi)

Numerous terrorist organizations are active in Italy

Taken singularly, these cases may not seem too significant, but once connected, many questions arise. The impression is that things are being dealt with differently if compared to cases regarding ISIS or al-Qaeda because the Palestinian cause is at stake. It is also important to recall that Italy has also been very open and tolerant of the Muslim Brotherhood (MB), which is present and active on Italian soil.

Interventions are lacking

Unfortunately, until now, unlike what happened over the years with ISIS, very few interventions have been seen against Hamas supporters. The only known case is the deportation of 56-year-old Algerian citizen Amor Branes, in April 2024, for sharing pro-Hamas and Jihadist content on social media. It must also be noted that al-Aqsa Brigades member (leader of the “Rapid Response-Tulkarem Unit”), Yaesh Anan, and two accomplices, were arrested in central Italy in January 2024 only after a request for extradition forwarded by Israel. Therefore, it would be appropriate to see more arrests and expulsions of Hamas supporters, because its ideology and operational activity is no less dangerous than the one carried out by ISIS or al-Qaeda.

Anti-Jewish narrative has spread around Europe

The issue of anti-Jewish and anti-Israeli narrative and activity being spread on behalf of Islamist preachers and activists involves the whole European continent, and not just Italy. European authorities have been tightening the net on Islamist extremist groups, with high-profile raids, deportations, financial restrictions, and a crackdown on their online activities. France and Germany seem to be the two countries that have so far taken a tougher stance on this type of activity.

In France

For instance, in February 2024, Mahjoub Mahjoubi, an imam in the small southern French town of Bagnols-sur-Ceze, was deported to Tunisia, less than 12 hours after his arrest. In his sermons, the preacher encouraged discrimination against women, radicalization, and referred to Jewish people as “the enemy”.
Giovanni GiacaloneGiovanni Giacalone

In Germany

Authorities have taken strong measures against pro-Hamas and pro-Hezbollah supporters, limiting pro-Palestinian marches, while schools have been granted the power to place bans on Palestinian flags and keffiyeh scarves. Across the country, using the pro-Palestinian slogan “From the river to the sea” is a criminal offense. In addition, recent arrests have also been made against Hezbollah cells, while the Shia Islamic Center in Hamburg was shut down.
  • Giovanni Giacarone is a researcher at the IDSF-Habithonistim Research Department. He is an Italy-based terrorism researcher and a senior researcher at Italian Team for Security, Terroristic Issues and Managing Emergencies/Itstime.
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First published: 11:26, 08.10.24
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