Factions of Arab Joint List agree on united election run

Top spot on party's slate will go to Ayman Odeh, who led the alliance in previous years; current polls predict lowest-ever turnout from Arab Israelis in November 1 election
The three Israeli factions currently within the Joint List agreed to run together again on Wednesday in the November 1 general elections.
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  • Israel's deadline for parties to submit their candidate slate is set for Thursday.
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    ישיבת סיעה הרשימה המשותפת
    ישיבת סיעה הרשימה המשותפת
    Joint List assembly
    (Photo: Alex Kolomoisky)
    Balad, headed by Sami Abu Shehadeh, agreed to the proposed division of seats in the party, getting the third and sixth places on the joint slate's list.
    Ta'al, one of the other two members of the alliance headed by Ahmad Tibi, will get places two and eight.
    The number one spot on the list will go to Hadash head Ayman Odeh, who has led the alliance in previous years.
    Ofer Cassif of Hadash and Shehadeh will rotate the fifth spot, the last realistic spot on the slate.
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    שלטי חוצות שקוראים לאיחוד בין הרשימה המשותפת לרע"מ
    שלטי חוצות שקוראים לאיחוד בין הרשימה המשותפת לרע"מ
    Joint List billboard
    Hadash and Ta'al reportedly met on Tuesday, with Ta'al dropping its demand for two places in the top six, accepting the second and eighth spots instead.
    Polls are currently predicting the lowest-ever turnout from Arab Israelis in the general elections, which could negatively impact Arab representation in Israel's government.
    In the 2021 elections, only 44.6 percent of Arabs voted, the lowest turnout so far for this demographic. The year before, Arab participation hit its peak of 64.8 percent, giving the Joint List 15 seats in the parliament.
    However, the Islamist Ra'am party choosing to run independently from the Arab-majority alliance caused Joint List representation - and Arab representation overall - to drop. As a result, the Joint List only managed six seats, while Ra'am garnered four.
    Current polls predicted Arab representation would drop further, with Joint List getting five seats and four for Ra'am.

    Reprinted with permission from i24NEWS.
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