Israeli forces raze homes of terrorists who shot dead security guard in Ariel

Demolition, in the Palestinian town of Qarawat Bani Hassan, takes place after a petition from the families of Yusef Aatsi and Yahi Merai, who murdered Vyacheslav Golev on April 29, was rejected by the Supreme Court
The Israeli forces on Tuesday demolished the West Bank homes of the terrorists who carried out a shooting attack in the city of Ariel three months ago in which a security guard was murdered.
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  • Vyacheslav (Daniel) Golev, 29, from Beit Shemesh was killed on April 29 when two Palestinian gunmen, Yusef Aatsi and Yahi Merai, opened fire at a checkpoint at the entrance to the city.
    Footage of the demolition of two terrorists' homes
    (Video: The IDF Spokesperson's Unit )
    Golev shielded another security guard who was stationed with him from the bullets. She was identified as his fiancée Victoria Fligelman from the southern city of Ashkelon. She was not harmed in the attack.
    The two terrorists are currently in detention having been apprehended after a 20-hour manhunt following the shooting.
    The demolition in the Palestinian town of Qarawat Bani Hassan took place after a petition from the terrorists’ families was rejected by the Supreme Court.
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    הריסת ביתו של המחבל יחיא מרעי שביצע את הפיגוע באריאל
    הריסת ביתו של המחבל יחיא מרעי שביצע את הפיגוע באריאל
    The homes of the two terrorists from Ariel attack being razed
    (Photo: AFP)
    "During the operation, hundreds of Palestinians instigated a number of violent riots, hurling rocks, Molotov cocktails and burning tires in the direction of the IDF and Border Police troops. The forces responded with riot dispersal means," said the IDF in a statement.
    According to the indictment, the terrorists decided to carry out the attack after hearing reports of clashes between Palestinians and the Israeli security forces.
    The two purchased weapons and a vehicle and decided to carry out the attack at night, believing that would allow them to escape.
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    הריסת ביתו של המחבל יחיא מרעי שביצע את הפיגוע באריאל
    הריסת ביתו של המחבל יחיא מרעי שביצע את הפיגוע באריאל
    Israeli forces operating in in the Palestinian town of Qarawat Bani Hassan
    (Photo: The IDF Spokesperson's Unit )
    The two arrived at the entrance to the city in a blue Suzuki with Israeli license plates, which apparently belonged in the past to a car that was taken off the road. The terrorists' vehicle was later found after being set on fire and abandoned.
    The two pulled up at the settlement's gate armed with Carl Gustav submachine guns and opened fire at the guard shack. They then got out of the vehicle and shot Golev from point-blank.
    The military prosecution also filed an indictment against the brother of one of the attackers, attributing to him an offense of failing to prevent the attack as well as providing shelter to the two terrorists.
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