Trump, Musk cozy up with talk of a possible role for X-owner in a future Cabinet

Musk shared an AI-generated photo of himself at a podium with the name 'Department of Government Efficiency (D.O.G.E.),' after suggesting the formation of a government efficiency commission in a conversation with Trump

Former U.S. President Donald Trump expressed openness to naming Elon Musk, the world's richest man, to a Cabinet or advisory role if he defeats Vice President Kamala Harris in the 2024 presidential election.
Trump praised Musk as a "very smart guy" and "brilliant," in an interview with Reuters.
"I am willing to serve," Musk replied in an X post with an AI-generated photo of himself at a podium with the name "Department of Government Efficiency (D.O.G.E.)," a nod to Dogecoin.
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אילון מאסק ודונלד טראמפ
אילון מאסק ודונלד טראמפ
Trump, Musk
(Photo: AP)
Musk suggested the formation of a government efficiency commission during a conversation with Trump, who expressed willingness to work with Musk on such a commission.
The entrepreneur endorsed Trump for president after an apparent assassination attempt in July, marking a significant change from their past relationship.
During his conversation with Trump, Musk raised concerns about sustainability and the environment, while Trump shifted to nuclear war.
Trump is open to Chinese and other foreign automakers building cars in the U.S., offering incentives to encourage them to set up plants and hire American workers.
Musk is the CEO of SpaceX, a manufacturer working on government contracts, including a network of spy satellites.
This article was written in collaboration with Generative AI news company Alchemiq
Sources: Washington Times, Newsweek, Gizmodo, Newsmax, India TV News,, AOL, Brave New Coin, The Crypto Times, News18, Watcher Guru, Crypto Newsz, Cointelegraph, Daily Kos, Latin Times, Rolling Stone, Fortune, M9 News, CBT News, Evrim Ağacı.
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