EU Ambassador to Israel, Dimiter Tzanchev, says Israel is well positioned to replace Russia as a supplier of natural gas to Europe.
"Israel can be an important alternative source of energy," Tzanchev said. "We not only speak about gas but about innovative sources of electricity. new energy. This is a cooperation that would be important for the region," he said.
The Abraham accords, that came at an opportune time for the EU, we were looking for alternative sources of energy and we believe everyone can win from such cooperation. the EU, Egypt and Israel.
and the EU. have a common interest in “Stopping Iran from gaining more power.” He regarded the negotiations between the E.U. and Teheran, which is now at a standstill, and told Ynet “I believe we’ll eventually reach agreements and a way to stop Iran.”
Tzanchev said an agreement with Iran over their nuclear program, is the EU's preferred course of action. and diplomacy was the way to deal with the crisis.
"I believe Iran is hoping for an agreement and we are trying to bring them on board to make one," he said.
But the ambassador noted, the danger of Iran obtaining nuclear weapons is serious and the EU is trying to prevent that. "As long as there is a chance for an agreement, we will keep trying to reach one," he said.
Tzanchev said he did not agree with criticism voiced by Ukrainian officials claiming Israel has not done enough to support Ukraine in its fight against the Russian invasion.
"Israel has taken in refugees from the war and is providing them with housing and education, it set up a hospital and is trying to help Ukraine," he said. "I believe those efforts should be applauded," he said.