Jewish girl, 12, gang raped in Paris in apparent antisemitic attack

Three boys ages 12-14 beat girl while shouting antisemitic epithets and then raped her in an abandoned hangar; the girls ex-boyfriend accused her of hiding the fact that she was Jewish from him 

Three boys ages 12 to 14 were arrested on suspicion of the antisemitic rape of a 12-year-old girl, French media reported on Tuesday evening. One issue behind the attack appears to be that the girl hid the fact that she was Jewish from a former boyfriend.
The girl and her parents arrived at a police station in the Hauts-de-Seine district, which includes the western suburbs of Paris to file a complaint about the alleged rape, the daily LeParisien reported. The girl claimed that she was raped in an abandoned hangar during weekend.
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(Photo: AFP)
According to the complaint, the three boys beat the girl and and shouted antisemitic epithets about her religion and then raped her. A medical examination confirmed that she had been raped.
According to the report in Le Parisien, the girl's ex-boyfriend accused her of hiding from him that she was Jewish. In addition, antisemitic comments and images, including a burnt Israeli flag, were found by the investigators on the smartphone of one of the suspects. One of the boys said that the girl spoke out against the Palestinians.
The three are suspected of the crimes of rape under aggravated circumstances, sexual assault under aggravated circumstances and, possibly, threatening to kill their victim. Media in France reported that at least one of the boys confessed to the attack.
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