Biden is last president who openly declares: 'I am a Zionist'

Biden is not beyond reproach and has had a few missteps as of late, but he was also the first to stand by Israel after October 7, and delivered a whole plethora of weapons and ammunition Israel needed to sustain the war effort

Joe Biden’s withdrawal from the U.S. presidential race is, above all, a lesson in responsibility – both national and partisan. Biden wanted to be the candidate. He believed in himself and genuinely sought the good of the United States. He thought he was the best person to face not just Donald Trump, but more importantly, what he and many in the U.S. see as a threat posed by the Republican candidate. However, he understood that the good of the country and the party comes before his own benefit and belief. In a move of profound responsibility, he stepped aside for his vice president, Kamala Harris.
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נשיא ארה"ב ג'ו ביידן , סגנית הנשיא קמלה האריס
נשיא ארה"ב ג'ו ביידן , סגנית הנשיא קמלה האריס
Now the presumptive nominee, Kamala Harris
(Photo: AP /Matt Kelley)
This is a monumental drama. Cards have been reshuffled, and the backdrop, of course, is the polls. Exactly eight years ago, they indicated a sure victory for Hillary Clinton. Months passed and, until election night, there was a consensus among pollsters: Clinton was heading for victory. That election night in November 2016 we went to sleep with Clinton as the presumed winner. In the middle of the night, there was an upheaval. Most reporters were in shock. It couldn’t be true. Maybe there was a mistake. But there was no mistake. Trump won.
We are not in those days, nor in the same situation. It’s doubtful if the polls are accurate. Everything is an open question. One thing is not disputed. Assuming Harris will indeed be the candidate, her status in the polls is identical to that of the incumbent president, Joe Biden. That is, she loses in all the polls. She even trails slightly behind him, but only within the margin of error. Nonetheless, nothing is certain. Polls have been wrong before, and not just once. They could be wrong again.

The first to stand up

Biden was and remains a true friend of Israel. Perhaps the last president who openly declares: I am a Zionist. And he said this even less than a week ago, in an era when the word "Zionist" is a derogatory term to be avoided. Certainly in progressive and Democratic circles. It is possible to criticize him. It seems that in recent months he made mistakes – but he is also the person who stood by Israel immediately after October 7. He approved an unprecedented airlift of armaments. Yes, these are regional and global interests, but not only that. He was and remains a mensch. The hostages were and remain at the forefront of his concerns. He deserves a parade of appreciation from every Zionist and Israeli patriot.
The king departs. Long live the new queen. One can search for any of her statements from recent years, during which she served as vice president. She has irritated here and there. She was also the unofficial liaison at the White House with the Muslim community. Before that, in September 2021, Harris appeared at George Mason University and heard a complaint from a student about "ethnic genocide" committed by Israel against Palestinians. "You must not suppress your truth," Harris replied. Truth? Every blood libel becomes "truth" in the age of narratives? An irritating answer. A submissive answer. An answer taken from the progressive school of thought. And this was before the genocide campaign.
Alongside this, she has countless statements in favor of Israel and its right to defend itself. And more than anything, many familiar with the American administration claim she is not the greatest expert on Middle East affairs. She does not have the emotional connection that characterizes Biden. She comes from a different place. But in her private home, she has her husband, Douglas Emhoff, a Jewish man.
בן-דרור ימיניBen-Dror YeminiPhoto: Abigail Uzi
We are at the end of an era. The most pro-Israel president who served in the White House is retiring. Biden tried to promote the mega-deal with Saudi Arabia, which would have rescued Israel from its greatest diplomatic low. It is not clear why those celebrating his fall are rejoicing, when Trump, the utterly unpredictable, stands on the horizon. Not only in the Democratic Party is an antisemitic wing growing on the fringes. This is also happening in the Republican Party. Biden was a shield against these fringes, and with the fall of this shield, there is no reason for celebration.
Biden has about six months left until the end of his term. He may retire a bit before then, so Harris can enter the race as president. But even now, it is possible and necessary to appreciate this true friend of the State of Israel.
Farewell, friend.
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