Israeli soldier killed in Jenin during ongoing anti-terror operation

Army reports Staff Sgt. Elkana Navon, 20, a squad commander in the Bislach Brigade's 906th Battalion, from Petah Tikva, killed in a clash with terrorists in northern West Bank

Yoav Zitun, Israel Moskovitz, Raanan Ben-Zur|
The IDF reported Saturday that Staff Sgt. Elkana Navon, 20, a squad commander in the Bislach Brigade's 906th Battalion, from Petah Tikva, was killed during fighting in Jenin, the focal point of Israel’s ongoing anti-terror operation in the northern West Bank.
Navon was killed in a clash with terrorists early Saturday morning. A fellow officer from the same battalion was seriously wounded, and two additional soldiers sustained light injuries. They were evacuated to Emek Medical Center in Afula and Rambam Health Care Campus in Haifa.
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סמ"ר אלקנה נבון ז"ל
סמ"ר אלקנה נבון ז"ל
Staff Sgt. Elkana Navon
(Photo: IDF Spokesperson's Unit)
The deadly encounter occurred at around 6 a.m. as a force from the NCO training course approached a target—a house in the Jenin refugee camp harboring terrorists. The soldiers encountered two prominent Hamas operatives responsible for planting explosives and conducting shooting attacks in the sector. In close-quarters combat, both terrorists were killed. Four soldiers were injured in the clash, including Staff Sgt. Navon, who was fatally wounded.
The IDF officials were surprised by the large number of explosives the terrorists had planted on roads around and within Jenin. The two terrorists were equipped with vests and extensive gear.
The Bislach Brigade had been deployed to reinforce the Samaria region for two weeks and was set to be rotated with other units. The operation aims to increase pressure on terror organizations in the West Bank ahead of the Jewish High Holidays and in response to escalating threats and warnings, some of which have materialized.
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IDF machinery exposing roads to neutralize explosive
Following the announcement of Navon’s death, Petah Tikva Mayor Rami Greenberg said, "We bow our heads at the loss of another hero from our city and embrace the family during this difficult time. May his memory be for a blessing."
Navon was a student at the Hesder Yeshiva in Kiryat Shmona, which noted that he is the fourth student from the yeshiva to fall since the war began. Navon is the 705th army casualty since October 7.
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