Parents of slain IDF lookouts sue for recordings of their final moments on October 7

Bereaved families of fallen lookouts petition the Supreme Court for access to recordings and documentation from their daughters' final shifts during the Hamas massacre, demanding accountability and respect after unanswered requests and continued disregard for their emotional closure 

Hadar Gil-Ad|
Families of IDF female lookouts who were murdered at Nahal Oz post during the October 7 massacre have petitioned the Supreme Court against the IDF, seeking access to communication recordings and documentation from their daughters' last shift. "This is the last memory we have left," noted relatives.
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חמ"ל התצפיתניות השרוף בנחל עוז
חמ"ל התצפיתניות השרוף בנחל עוז
A burnt safe room in Nahal Oz
(Photo: Eyal Eshel)
The petition was filed by parents of killed lookouts Adi Landman, Maya Villalobo Polo, Shirat Yam Amar, Shai Ashram, Hadar Miriam Cohen, Aviv Hajaj, Shahaf Nisani, Roni Eshel, Shirel Mor, Yam Glass, as well as parents of Noa Marciano, abducted on October 7 and later murdered in Hamas captivity in Gaza.
In the petition against IDF Chief of Staff Herzi Halevi and other senior IDF officials, parents demand transfer of recordings and photographs from the 24 hours preceding the massacre and each daughter's shift.
"We never thought we'd reach this moment where we file a petition against IDF," said the families. "This is a very difficult, sad day for us, and we hope the Supreme Court will stand by us and instruct the IDF chief of staff and military authorities to allow us to receive the voices and images of our daughters."
עו"ד גלעד יצחק בר-טל מייצג את משפחותיהן של תצפיתניות בעתירתן לבג"צ Gilad Itzhak Bar-TalPhoto: DUNS 100
After requests to military authorities went unanswered, parents, through attorney Gilad Itzhak Bar-Tal, demanded in July tobe provided documentation of their daughters within 21 days. In early August, the IDF Public Inquiries Officer replied that the military required additional time to formulate position on the matter. Since then, no further response has been given to parents.
"The IDF ignored repeated warnings of female lookouts during their lifetimes, and now it seems to continue this disrespectful tradition by ignoring their parents," said attorney Bar-Tal. "It is a sad day when bereaved families are forced to file a petition against the IDF and its highest ranks, but disregard and disrespect toward families can no longer be tolerated. We expect the Supreme Court to speak out and obligate the IDF to honor bereaved parents' request."
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