Brussels municipality halts twin city partnership with northern Israeli town

Ixelles municipality confirms decision first approved in July to halt twin city status with Megiddo; mayor says 'An alliance means that in your ally's most difficult time, you come to their rescue and extend support'

Israel Moskovitz|
The Megiddo Regional Council has expressed outrage over the suspension of its twin city agreement with Brussels, accusing the Belgian capital of misunderstanding the situation.
In 2012, the council formed a partnership with the Ixelles district, a central municipality in the Brussels-Capital Region. Over the past 12 years, the two have engaged in numerous exchanges and visits.
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פרויקט יום העצמאות- 20 הצילומים הטובים בישראל תל מגידו
פרויקט יום העצמאות- 20 הצילומים הטובים בישראל תל מגידו
Meggido Regional Council
(Photo: Israel Bardugo)
“A few weeks ago, I was shocked to learn that following political pressure from the head of the Ixelles district and protests calling for the end of relations with Megiddo, the district council decided to suspend our partnership,” said Gil Lin, head of the Megiddo Regional Council.
In a letter to Ixelles’ mayor, Lin emphasized the council’s commitment to peace and coexistence. “We are a community of kibbutzim and moshavim, dedicated to equality and human rights. We are the last people who should receive such a blow,” Lin wrote, expressing his disappointment.
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גיל לין
גיל לין
Megiddo Regional Council Mayor Gil Lin
(Photo: Sharon Tzur)
Lin also challenged the decision, noting the district's concerns about visiting Israel due to safety risks. “Yes, Israel is dangerous – we face daily rocket attacks from Hamas, Hezbollah, Islamic Jihad and Iran. But no Israeli would put you at risk during a visit,” Lin wrote, asking how Ixelles would respond if facing similar threats.
“I don't know how you would react if 1,400 of your citizens were murdered, but I know what I would do: I would organize an aid delegation, come personally and offer support,” Lin added, highlighting the meaning of a twin cities alliance during times of crisis.
Concluding his letter, Lin criticized the suspension of relations. “I would not sever ties with you because you chose to protect yourself. Even if I believed you were wrong, I would engage, connect and seek solutions. I regret that you chose a different path.”
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