Man caught secretly filming a minor's privates at Tel Aviv beach

Police arrest man for secretly filming a 12-year-old girl at Gordon Beach, as officers seize cellphone and camera, an indication that other young women fell victim as well; Suspect remanded to house arrest
Liran Levi|

Video of incident
(Video: Police spokesperson unit)

A 40-year-old Tel Aviv resident was apprehended by the police for allegedly clandestinely recording the intimate body parts of a 12-year-old girl at Gordon Beach. The investigation revealed suspicions of the man having taken photos of other young women as well.
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The incident occurred around noon on Monday when a patrol officer from Tel Aviv's Lev station, while stopping to purchase coffee, observed the man standing closely behind the girl in the café queue. Holding a bag, he approached her discreetly from behind.
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תיעוד השוטר שעוצר גבר שנצמד בחוף גורדון לבת 12 ותפס עליו מצלמה שצילמה בסתר
תיעוד השוטר שעוצר גבר שנצמד בחוף גורדון לבת 12 ותפס עליו מצלמה שצילמה בסתר
Ap;proaching 12-year-old girl from behind
(Photo: Police spokesperson)
Upon noticing the suspicious behavior, the vigilant officer, suspecting the man of concealing a camera aimed at the girl, approached and swiftly apprehended him. Seizing both his cellphone and the bag, the officer thwarted the suspect's attempt to flee. Further inspection revealed a functional camera in the suspect's possession.
The suspect and the camera were promptly handed over to the police for thorough investigation, raising concerns that he filmed other unsuspecting young women. The suspect appeared before the Tel Aviv Magistrate's Court, which decided to release him to house arrest.
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