Coalition Knesset members in letter call to ease prison conditions of murderer of Dawabshe family

Fourteen Knesset coaltion members signed a letter sent to the head of the Shin Bet, Ronen Bar, that calls to improve prison conditions of the convicted murderer of the members of the Dawabshe family from Duma in 2015, Amiram Ben-Uliel. The lawmakers who signed are Eliyahu Revivo, Nissim Vaturi, Tali Gottlieb, Amit Halevi, Keti Shitrit, Avihai Boaron, Ariel Kellner and Eti Atiya from Likud, Limor Son Har Melech, Zvika Fogel and Yitzhak Kreuzer from Otzma Yehudit, Michal Waldiger from Religious Zionism, Yosef Taieb from Shas and Yitzhak Pindrus from United Torah Judaism. The lawmakers claim that Ben-Uliel's mental condition deteriorated from being in solitary confinement for a long period of time, and therefore they request that he be transferred to the religious wing so that he can observe the upcoming holidays. (Sivan Hilaie)
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