'If Harris wins, Israel is gone,' Trump tells Republican Jews

The former president running again in the presidential race says if Jews do not come out to vote for him 'it would be a very terrible situation.'

Republican presidential hopeful and former president Donald Trump said on Thursday that is Kamala Harris wins the White House race in November, Israel will cease to exist.
"If they win, Israel is gone. Just remember that, if they win Israel is gone. You can forget about Israel. That's what will happen," Trump said in a speech to the Republican Jewish Coalition (RJC.)
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 Kamala Harris, Donald Trump
 Kamala Harris, Donald Trump
Kamala Harris, Donald Trump
He told the cheering crowd he would make sure Israel would "be with us for thousands of years,' and warned that if Jews did not come out to vote for him, 'it would be a very terrible situation.".

Trump said Harris is a candidate for forces who want to destroy Western civilization and Israel and warned that if she were elected, terror groups would attack Israel. "You will never survive if they win," he said.
A survey by the Jewish People's Voice Index for August, conducted by the Jewish People Policy Institute (JPPI), showed there was a significant rise in the percentage of Jews who view U.S. Vice President Kamala Harris as pro-Israel after she was announced as the Democratic Party’s presidential candidate.
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ארגון ה-Jewish Dems מציג את טראמפ כהיטלר: ״הזמן לעמוד מול השנאה והפשיזם הוא עכשיו לפני שיהיה מאוחר מדי”
ארגון ה-Jewish Dems מציג את טראמפ כהיטלר: ״הזמן לעמוד מול השנאה והפשיזם הוא עכשיו לפני שיהיה מאוחר מדי”
Jewish Dems portraying Trump as Hitler
An election campaign ad released by the Jewish Democratic Council of America (JDCA), the leading Jewish organization for supporters of the Democratic Party, compares the Republican presidential candidate, former President Donald Trump, to Adolf Hitler, and it has provoked stormy reactions in the United States.
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