Israeli forces map home of terrorist who killed 3 in Ariel

Military spokesperson saysd the mapping of the home of Mohammad Souf in the town of Hares was in preparation for the possible demolition, subject to a decision that will be made at a later date
i24News, Ynet|
Israeli military, Shin Bet domestic security agency and Border Police on Wednesday night mapped the home of the terrorist who killed three and wounded three more Israelis in a terror attack in the West Bank city of Ariel the day before.
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  • The operation was carried out in the West Bank village of Hares to determine the possibility of demolishing the home of the attacker. According to Israel’s army, the Palestinian terrorist stabbed a security guard and another person near the entrance to the Ariel industrial area, before stabbing two more people near a gas station.
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    תיעוד כוחות הביטחון במיפוי ביתו של המחבל מהפיגוע באריאל
    תיעוד כוחות הביטחון במיפוי ביתו של המחבל מהפיגוע באריאל
    IDF maps home of Ariel terrorist ahead of possible demolition, on Wednesday
    (Photo: IDF Spokesperson's unit)
    The assailant was identified as 19-year-old Mohammad Murad Sami Sof, who was employed at a nearby factory with a valid Israeli work permit, and no previous criminal background. He was then shot dead by Israeli security forces and an armed civilian.
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    המחבל מוחמד מוראד סאמי סוף
    המחבל מוחמד מוראד סאמי סוף
    Mohammad Souf who killed three in terror attack on Tuesday
    The three Israelis killed in the attack were identified as Tamir Avichai, who was laid to rest on Tuesday, Michael Ladigin and Moti Ashkenazi, who will be buried later on Wednesday, all fathers of multiple children.
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    זירת הפיגוע
    זירת הפיגוע
    IDF troops at the site of the Tuesday terror strike near Ariel
    (Photo: Reuters)
    Rabin Medical Center in Petah Tikva issued an update on Wednesday about the status of the three wounded Israelis. Two of them are said to be in serious but stable condition, while the third victim remains in moderate-serious condition.
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