'I promise to fight for your brother's release,' Argamani tells murdered hostage in post

Rescued hostage bids farewell to her friend Yossi Sharabi, murdered in Hamas captivity; Says she will make sure his story is heard and will fight to bring brother Eli home 

Yael Ciechanover, Hagar Kochavi|
"I will tell your story," Noa Argamani, who was rescued from Hamas captivity, promised in an Instagram post to Yossi Sharabi who was murdered while being held hostage in Gaza. Sharabi and Itai Svirsky were confirmed dead in January. He was abducted on October 7 together with Ofir Engel, the partner of his daughter, Yuval, and his brother Eli, who is still held captive.
"When we first met, you were terrified, worried sick about your family, Nira and the girls whom you had no information about after you were separated on October 7," she wrote.
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נועה ארגמני בסטורי על יוסי שרעבי
נועה ארגמני בסטורי על יוסי שרעבי
Noa Argamani posts farewell to murdered hostage, friend, Yossi Sharabi
During our time together I got to know an amazing human being full of humility. A man of truth. You always said that no matter whether we disagree, we must respect each other. I learned so much from you and was surprised at how much we shared in character and hobbies, despite our age difference," she said in her post.
"Thank you for looking after me and being with me. For supporting me and listening to me and for making me smile even during the hardest times," Noa wrote, and promised to work for Eli's release. "I promise you and your dear family that I will do all I can to bring Eli back before it is too late. I will do all I can so that you are not left behind, again."
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 Noa Argamani after her rescue from Hamas captivity and during her abduction
 Noa Argamani after her rescue from Hamas captivity and during her abduction
Noa Argamani after her rescue from Hamas captivity and during her abduction
(Photo: President's spokesperson )
Argamani, who was abducted with her partner, Avinatan Or, was rescued in a special operation along with three other hostages in June. Or remains a hostage in Gaza. Argamani is traveling with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and will attend his address to the joint session of Congress later on Wednesday.
On Tuesday, Noa told Netanyahu that hearing him speak about the war being long, was one of the hardest things for her when she was in captivity.
“I thought, ‘I won’t get out of here.’ It was a breaking point for me,” Argamani told the prime minister. "You must bring them home as quickly as possible before it is too late. They are suffering and dying there and we must bring them back as soon as possible. I don't want to get into a political debate. I saw death with my eyes. Yossi Sharabi and Itai Svirsky were killed next to me," she said.
Argamani was criticized for agreeing to travel with Netanyahu to Washington before he agreed to a deal to free the remaining captives. Families of hostages said Netanyahu has been preventing a deal that would free the hositages for political reasons.
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בנימין נתניהו עם החטופים שחולצו בשיבא תל השומר
בנימין נתניהו עם החטופים שחולצו בשיבא תל השומר
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu with Yaakov and Noa Argamani after she was rescued from Hamas captivity
(Photo: GPO)
"I have taken it upon myself to tell your story so that everyone knows what a hero you were and so that such tragedies are never repeated," Noa wrote in her post to Sharabi.
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