'The protests will kill the hostages': Hostage families divided on demonstrations

Brother of hostage Omri Miran claims protests undermining efforts to secure hostages’ release and only ‘driving up the cost’; another family member criticizes ‘politicized’ demonstrations

As thousands take to the streets every week demanding the return of hostages held by Hamas in Gaza, some families whose loved ones have been held captive for almost a year fear these protests may be doing more harm than good.
The debate over whether to push for a deal or apply military pressure has deeply divided the family of Omri Miran, who was abducted from Kibbutz Nahal Oz on October 7.
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דני מירן, אביו של עמרי מירן, מדבר בעצרת החטופים לאחר הסרטון של בנו מהשבי
דני מירן, אביו של עמרי מירן, מדבר בעצרת החטופים לאחר הסרטון של בנו מהשבי
Dani Miran the father of hostage Omri Miran
(Photo: Aner Green)
Omri’s father, Dani, is part of the Hostages and Missing Families Forum, advocating for negotiations, while his brother, Nadav, belongs to the Hope Forum, which calls for increased military pressure on Hamas and opposes any deal that doesn’t secure the release of all captives.
“In recent months, I’ve opposed the direction of the protests,” Nadav said, criticizing what he sees as a shift toward political aims, namely toppling the government. “We hear [Hamas leader Yahya] Sinwar instructing the hostages in Gaza to tell their families to protest and bring down the government. And what do Israelis do? They follow Sinwar's orders.”
Nadav believes the initial protests, born out of pain, have now been politicized, with calls for nationwide strikes and connections to last year's judicial reform demonstrations driving up the cost of a deal. “The protests will kill the hostages. They’re essentially blocking a deal and driving up the hostages’ price,” he said, adding that using Omri’s photo to push political agendas “misses the point.”
"The only one blocking a deal is Hamas— even the Americans say that," he added.
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Shimon Or with a picture of his nephew Avinatan who is held hostage in Gaza
(Photo: Amit Shabi)
Shimon Or, whose nephew Avinatan Or was kidnapped from the Nova music festival along with his girlfriend, Noa Argamani, who has since been freed, shares Nadav’s concerns.
As a member of the Hope Forum, Or supports the protesting families but believes the movement has taken on a more political tone, undermining its mission. “I’m frustrated that the protests are now being politicized. It doesn’t help bring back the hostages,” he said.
Or is skeptical of Hamas’s intentions, suggesting the group has no real desire to return the hostages. “Even if we offered everything— all for all, cease-fire and a return to power— they wouldn’t agree. Their strategy is to drag negotiations out for years,” he said.
"I’m frustrated that we keep sending negotiation teams without considering alternatives or making real progress. I’m also frustrated with the government and the prime minister, who says the goal is to destroy Hamas. The envoys he sends to negotiate only strengthen Hamas’ grip, ultimately endangering the hostages."
The abduction of Noa Argamani and Avinatan Or

He believes military pressure has its limits and advocates for taking control of Gaza as the only way to secure the hostages’ release.
"The military objectives are just tactics. The strategy must be to take control of Gaza. Without controlling Gaza, we won’t get the hostages back," he said.
Regarding Avinatan’s photo being used in the protests, Or says, "I’m less concerned with who’s holding his picture, even if it's Kaplan-linked groups. They don’t care about Avinatan or the hostages— they have their own agenda, like toppling the prime minister."
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