Rina Daniv identified as victim of terror stabbing

Daniv murdered when walking in the Holon Park with her husband Shimon who is seriously hurt; another victim of the attack says attacker ran toward him with an expression of rage before stabbing him in the shoulder 

Rina Daniv was murdered in the terror attack in Holon on Sunday, while on a walk in the park with her husband Shimon. He is in serious condition in a local hospital.
Daniv, 66 suffered fatal wounds in the attack perpetrated by 34-year-old Amar Odeh from the West Bank Palestinian town of Salfit. Security officials said he was in Israel illegally. The IDF entered the town in search of accomplices and arrested a number of people, according to Palestinian media reports.
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רינה דניב ז"ל הנרצחת מפיגוע הדקירה בחולון
רינה דניב ז"ל הנרצחת מפיגוע הדקירה בחולון
Rina Daniv murdered in the Holon terror attack on Sunday
(Photo: Courtesy of the Family )
The terror rampage began with Odeh encountered 26-year-old Yaakov Levertov who was walking his dog on a Holon street, after stabbing him and causing moderate wounds, he moved into a nearby park where Daniv and her husband were walking.
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עמאר עודה מהכפר סלפית שביצע את פיגוע הדקירה בחולון, רחוב משה דיין
עמאר עודה מהכפר סלפית שביצע את פיגוע הדקירה בחולון, רחוב משה דיין
Terrorist Amar Odeh
After inflicting fatal wounds on her and seriously injuring her partner, the terrorist then moved to a third location outside the park where he encountered an elderly man who was waiting for a bus. He was also fatally hurt from stab wounds and died in hospital after being rushed there by paramedics.
"I was walking on my usual walk with my dog when I saw this guy running to me with an expression of rage on his face," Levertov said. "He looked at me and suddenly began running toward me. I felt my shoulder hurt. I managed to escape and reached the central bus station where drivers helped me and later called the medical emergency service.
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זירת הפיגוע בחולון
זירת הפיגוע בחולון
Aftermath of the deadly terror attack in Holon on Sunday
(Photo: Gil Cohen-Magen / AFP)
Liv Azulay, who was a witness to the attack said she saw the terrorist running across the road and rushed toward her building. "I heard three loud bangs. I was frightened and hid under the building. A few minutes later I went back and saw the terrorist on the ground bleeding," she said. "He was treated by the paramedics but I think he should not have been. People like that should end their lives there and then," she said.
National Security Minister Itamar Ben-Gvir who arrived at the scene said the war is not only against Iran and its proxies but also on the streets of Israel. He praised the quick action of the police and said a worse outcome was averted.
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