Netanyahu skips Haredi grandson's Bar Mitzva

David is the second son of Netanyahu's oldest child Noa who became religious and lives in the ultra-Orthodox Mea Shearim quarter of Jerusalem; PM presides over a cabinet meeting while the Bar Mitzva is celebrated 

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu skipped his Haredi grandson's Bar Mitzva this week in Jerusalem. Netanyahu presided over a cabinet meeting in Tel Aviv at the time.
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 בנימין נתניהו בפתח ישיבת הממשלה ביום ב-184 למלחמה
 בנימין נתניהו בפתח ישיבת הממשלה ביום ב-184 למלחמה
Benjamin Netanyahu during a cabinet meeting
(Photo: GPO)
David, the Bar Mitzva boy is the second son of Netanyahu's oldest child, Noa from his first marriage, who became religious and is part of a Hassidic sect living in the ultra-Orthodox Mea Shearim quarter of the capital.
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 יאיר נתניהו בדיון בביהמ"ש השלום כפ"ס
 יאיר נתניהו בדיון בביהמ"ש השלום כפ"ס
Yair Netanyahu
(Photo: Yair Sagi)
Although he had attended her family's celebrations in the past and has maintained contact with her, his sons from his current marriage are more familiar to the Israeli public and more prominent in his professional and personal life, especially his son Yair who resides in Miami and is a vocal although often controversial proponent of his father
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