Large fires break out near Ashdod, Beit Shemesh; suspicion of arson in West Bank

First row of houses in West Bank town of Peduel evacuated; fire breaks out in warehouses in Moshav Sde Uziahu near Ashdod amid heavy heat, 4 firefighting planes scrambled to scene; fire also breaks out near Beit Shemesh

Matan Tzuri, Liran Tamari|
Fires broke out Monday near Ashdod and Beit Shemesh due to high heat and dry winds. Fires also started in the West Bank town of Peduel as a result of suspected arson.
The fire near Beit Shemesh broke out in a field between the city and an abandoned village. Three fire crews were dispatched to the scene and are working to control the fire and prevent its spread. At this point, there is no danger to nearby houses.
Fire approaching the West Bank settlement of Peduel
(Photo: Yehondav Lifshitz, Judea and Samaria district spokesman)
Warehouses in Moshav Sde Uziahu are on fire

The fire near Ashdod broke out in warehouses in Moshav Sde Uziahu. Fire crews were rushed to the scene to take control of the fire which was spreading in the heavy heat of up to 39°C (102℉). In addition, four firefighting planes were scrambled to the scene, along with about 20 other firefighting teams.
In Peduel, residents were evacuated from their homes due to the fire, which broke out in three different locations and is spreading toward the settlement. The commander of the regional fire station, Battalion Chief Avi Ben Saadon, said that "there are three centers of fire around the settlement. It started from the direction of Nahal Shilo and climbed under the protection of the winds towards Peduel. This is a difficult and complex topographical area, and the wind direction changes from time to time. Down the stream, the fire continues to spread toward the Binyamin area."
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השריפה בפדואל
השריפה בפדואל
Fire approaches homes in the West Bank settlement of Peduel
(Photo: Fire and Rescue Services)
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שריפה בשדה עוזיהו
שריפה בשדה עוזיהו
Fire in Moshav Sde Uziahu
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שריפה בשטח פתוח בסמוך לבית שמש
שריפה בשטח פתוח בסמוך לבית שמש
Fire in a field in Beit Shemesh
(Photo: Ziv Aqua, spokesman for Fire and Rescue-Beit Shemesh regional station)
"Due to the danger, the decision was made to evacuate the first row of houses," he added. "The firefighters are deployed in order to stop the fire, and additional forces from neighboring districts are on their way to help."
According to the investigation and intelligence officer of the Judea and Samaria district, Battalion Chief Eliran Tsaroya, "according to preliminary findings that point to three different locations, there is a strong suspicion that this is a deliberate arson attack."
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