Sderot police bury destroyed station's Torah scroll burned on October 7

During burial ceremony for the Torah scroll desecrated in the Hamas terror attack on Sderot on October 7, Southern Police District commander said: 'This book is buried in the dirt despite its prestige and sanctity, but our holy book is the book of life' 

The Sderot Police held a burial ceremony for a burned, desecrated Torah scroll on Tuesday at the old police station, which was completely destroyed during the October 7 Hamas massacre. The ceremony was held 10 months after the murderous attack by Hamas terrorists, during which a heroic battle was fought by Sderot police officers and members of other security forces against Hamas terrorists who invaded the city.
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הטקס שלפני קבורת שרידי ספר התורה
הטקס שלפני קבורת שרידי ספר התורה
Desecrated Torah burial ceremony
(Photo: Israel Police)
The ceremony was presided over by the Southern Police District Commander Amir Cohen, the mayor of Sderot Alon Davidi, the city's rabbi, Rabbi Dror Tawil, Tel Aviv Police District Commander Peretz Amar, police officers, Sderot residents and local rabbis.
"In Sderot's cemetery, four heroic policemen, who fell in battle on Saturday, the holiday of Simchat Torah, on October 7, 2023, were buried. Today we bury here the old police station's Torah scroll. This book is buried in the dirt despite its prestige and sanctity, but our holy book is the book of life."
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נפרדים מספר התורה בבית העלמין בשדרות
נפרדים מספר התורה בבית העלמין בשדרות
(Photo: Israel Police)
"The Torah, the book of the Jewish people, preserves our heritage and tradition that has protected us over the generations and brought us after thousands of years of exile to independence and the establishment of a national home in our holy land. Israel is at war and our soldiers are defending our country on all fronts, domestic and abroad. Let's all pray to God to protect us and protect the soldiers and policemen who are guarding our country," he added.
Sderot Mayor Alon Davidi recalled the herosim displayed on October 7 and since then in an address at the ceremony. "I never thought in my life that I would take part in such a unique event, just as I never thought that we would go through the horrors of October 7, which will be remembered as a difficult day for the State of Israel," Davidi said. "However, there were also incredible displays of heroism on this day. We illuminate the world, bringing welfare and morality. Thanks to the Torah and what is written in it, we are the ones who can be proud of our soldiers, police officers and everyone who takes part in the struggle for the prosperity of the nation of Israel."
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