2 Terrorist shot, killed in attempted West Bank ramming attack

IDF says assailants drove their car into oncoming traffic, hitting vehicles in an effort to ram into a military post at the entrance to the city 

West Bank attempted ramming attack

The IDF said two terrorist were killed after he attempted a ramming attack near the West Bank city of Ariel on Sunday evening. A 39-year-old man was lightly hurt, and a 68-year-old woman suffered from shock.
According to the military, the Palestinian assailants drove their car into oncoming traffic and attempted to ram into a military post at the entrance to Ariel. They crashed into several cars before being shot and killed.
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פיגוע דריסה בצומת אריאל
פיגוע דריסה בצומת אריאל
A car used in an attempted West Bank ramming attack on Sunday
Magen David Adom (MDA) emergency teams transferred the injured man and the woman to hospital in Israel, for care.
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פיגוע דריסה בצומת אריאל
פיגוע דריסה בצומת אריאל
Scene of a West Bank attempted ramming attack
(Photo: MDA)
The military said its forces were spread in the area conducting searches and maintaining security.
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