Israel's health system cannot afford more budget cuts

Opinion - Slashing of the healthcare budget, in times where it is so badly necessary, means officials have a flawed sense of priorities and the Israeli public would be better served with more conscientious decision makers
Yossi Erblich|
The Agranat Commission was a National Commission of Inquiry set up to investigate failings in the Israel defense forces in the prelude to the 1973 Yom Kippur War, another instance where Israel was caught unawares.
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Israel being caught thus by surprise, during that war stemmed from an understanding formulated by the research wing of the IDF intelligence directorate, an understanding that came to be known as The Conception.
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Doctors, medics, protest outside offices of the ICRC over failure to visit hostages held in Gaza
Doctors, medics, protest outside offices of the ICRC over failure to visit hostages held in Gaza
Doctors, medics, protest outside offices of the ICRC over failure to visit hostages held in Gaza
(Photo: Adir Yanko)
While mostly abandoned from the collective Israeli jargon after the war, the horrors of October 7 meant The Conception made its way back into Israeli consciousness. It serves as an indication of a skewed, overly-optimistic perspective, guiding decision makers, leading to bloody results that shattered the status quo.
Much was said of Israel's healthcare system, stepping up to treat the wounded and provide hope and often even guidance, to distraught families inquiring about the health of their loved ones, be it civilians hunted down by murderous Hamas terrorists, or soldiers wounded in battle. And those come on top of patients that routinely require care at hospitals.
None of this comes as a shock to anyone, but it emphasized the sheer ineptitude of those in the Israeli government who wish to slash the health budget to the tune of 9-figure sums. This could result in compromising the ability to care for the wounded and damaging our national fortitude, mental health and the elderly.
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הפגנה רופאים בית ההסתדרות
הפגנה רופאים בית ההסתדרות
A demonstration for doctors in Tel Aviv
(Photo: Tal Shahar)
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חדר ניתוח
חדר ניתוח
Not the time to slash a surgeon's budget
(Photo: shutterstock)
This stands as nothing short of a grave insult to our citizens and brave IDF troops wounded while protecting the country, and a spit in the face of Israeli doctors, surgeons, nurses, and maintenance staff, unsung heroes who perform their duties with remarkable diligence.
As if the sense of abandonment so many Israelis felt on October 7 was somehow insufficient, this budget slash would make everyone feel left out of board room and government ministry decisions. After all, those were the officials in which the Israeli public placed its faith, now once again proving it has bee misplaced. It's The Conception all over again.
Yossi ErblichYossi Erblich
A government worthy of our national trust would place its health minister in charge of the healthcare system and its interests, and should this minister prove incapable, he should be summarily dismissed. The same goes for the Finance Minister and the Prime Minister himself. Even the slightest of harm to our healthcare system should result in their removal from office.
Known to be extraordinary and a trailblazing role model for the world, the Israeli healthcare system cannot be led by those who are slaves to The Conception, weakening the system, one Knesset plenum at a time. The Health Minister must protects hospitals and medical staff, or admit that he is unable to perform this most sacred of duties and resign.
  • Yossi Erblich is Chairman of "Lemaanchem" association and a medical advisor
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