Haredi mob attacks IDF commanders visiting Bnei Brak

Officers arrive to discuss ultra-Orthodox conscription to the military with local leaders when rioters storm their vehicle, blocking their path and throwing objects at them, causing light injuries

Sheila Fried, Yoav Zitun, Alexandra Lukash|
The assault on video
Senior IDF officers were attacked by a mob in Bnei Brak late on Monday while on a visit to the Haredi city to discuss the conscription of ultra-Orthdox men into military service, with local leaders.
Dozens of men, described as members of an extremist wing from Jerusalem, hurled objects at the officers as they blocked their car. they suffered light injuries as a result.
A yeshiva student spotted the officers' vehicle and alerted the Jerusalem faction to their visit. They quickly mobilized their members in Bnei Brak and within minutes, hundreds of people gathered at the scene, blocking the officers' movement.
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חרדים השליכו חפצים על קצינים בכירים שהגיעו לבני ברק
חרדים השליכו חפצים על קצינים בכירים שהגיעו לבני ברק
Haredi rioters block the path of IDF officers in Bnei Brak
"We heard a senior officer is currently in a decisive meeting at the home of Rabbi David Leibel. A spontaneous and intense protest began," a recorded message spread to city residents said. "Their name will rot, the battle is ours, and salvation is in God's hands," the recording said.
"This is not the first time Major General David Zini and Brigadier General Shay Taib have come for meetings with the rabbi to discuss the possibility of recruiting ultra-Orthodox young men," said Asher Fradi, a close associate of Rabbi Leibel who was also present at the meeting.
"The extremist protesters began gathering around the house, shouting 'David Leibel is a murderer,' 'Leave us alone,' and ringing the rabbi's intercom, causing a lot of noise in the house. They woke up the entire neighborhood, which is usually quiet," he said. "We called the police. They were here and did nothing. At a quarter to midnight, when we finished the meeting and went out, they started attacking us with shouts and curses and did not let us move," he added. "After the police saw that the officers couldn’t leave for an hour, they intervened and rescued them."
Fradi said that Rabbi Leibel was not intimidated by the mob. "He understands the military is moving in the right direction. The rabbi believes that the world of Torah is the most important thing. He is doing this to save the world of Torah, believing that if those who do not study must enlist in a suitable program, it will be good and right for the world of Torah."
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חרדים השליכו חפצים על קצינים בכירים שהגיעו לבני ברק
חרדים השליכו חפצים על קצינים בכירים שהגיעו לבני ברק
Haredi men storm the vehicle
Interior Minister Moshe Arbel from the ultra-Orthodox Shas Party condemned the riotrs. "A handful of extremists who called Major General David Zini and Brigadier General Shay Taib 'murderers' last night in Bnei Brak after a meeting with an important rabbi in the city, do not even represent themselves. They deserve every condemnation, and we have no part with them."
Defense Minister Yoav Gallant also condemned the event. "The IDF and its commanders have full backing for any mission assigned to them. The attack on Major General David Zini and Brigadier General Shay Taib is despicable. These are outstanding and dedicated officers working to strengthen Israel's security at a time when the IDF needs additional soldiers."
Finance Minister Bezalel Smotrich the riot was a dangerous act of violence. "It does not represent even a fraction of the ultra-Orthodox community. I want to strengthen the hands of Major General Zini and Brigadier General Taib in their important mission. It is essential to continue the efforts to establish new frameworks tailored to the ultra-Orthodox way of life and increase their participation in the IDF and civilian service."
Opposition leader Yair Lapid mocked Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu who dedicated two hours earlier this week to complain about incitement from opponents of the government. "I'm still waiting for a two-hour discussion about incitement and violence in the ultra-orthodox community against IDF officers."
The Bnei Brak municipality also condemned the rioters: "The Bnei Brak municipality denounces and condemns in the strongest terms the extreme protest against IDF officers that took place last night by extremists within the city. We call on the Israel Police to take all measures to prevent such incidents. The event does not reflect the spirit and character of the city, a city of Torah and reverence, but first and foremost a city of human dignity and respect."
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יולי אדלשטיין ובנימין נתניהו בועדת החוץ והביטחון של הכנסת
יולי אדלשטיין ובנימין נתניהו בועדת החוץ והביטחון של הכנסת
PM Netanyahu and MK Yuli Edelstein
(Photo: Knesset Spokesperson)
The officers came to discuss ways to bring Haredi men to serve in the military after the IDF said it needed soldiers to fill the ranks and respond to the security challenges faced by Israel. The IDF is currently working to convince rabbis and yeshiva heads to comply with the Supreme Court ruling that Haredi men like other Israelis, are required to serve. The ruling required the IDF to draft at least 3,000 ultra-Orthodox youths immediately.
Netanyahu had committed to the ultra-Orthodox parties in his coalition that he would legislate a law that would exempt Haredis from military service. He has faced opposition within his own party including from Chairman of the Knesset Foreign Affairs and Defense Committee Yuli Edelstein who said any law would come out of his committee only after it receives the agreement of most lawmakers. Defense Minister Yoav Gallant also said he would support a bill only if it had wide support in the Knesset.
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