Mystery callers with Persian accents threaten Israeli journalists over Gaza war

Ynet and Yedioth Ahronoth journalists receive calls in broken Hebrew from people claiming to be 'Anonymous for Justice,' possibly Iranians; one caller threatens to expose information about defense minister if war not stopped; Shin Bet investigating

Dozens of Israeli journalists, including Ynet and Yedioth Ahronoth reporters Ran Boker and Shilo Freid, have recently received calls from individuals identifying themselves as "Anonymous for Justice," demanding an end to the war in Gaza. The calls, suspected to be from Iran, are now under investigation by Shin Bet, Israel’s security agency.
"The matter has been referred to professional bodies within Shin Bet for examination," the agency said.
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האקר אילוסטרציה
האקר אילוסטרציה
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One caller left a message for Boker in broken Hebrew with a heavy Persian accent, saying, "Pass my message to your superiors. We gave your superiors time to stop the war in Gaza, but they are not listening."
Sharon Kidon, the host of Ynet's Hebrew-language podcast HaKoteret, received a similar message. When she asked if the caller was from Iran, he responded, "It doesn't matter. Pass the message to your superiors to stop the war."
Shortly after, Kidon received another call with the warning, "We will publish something about the defense minister." Other journalists reported receiving multiple calls as well.
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אילוס אילוסטרציה SMS הודעת טקסט טלפון
אילוס אילוסטרציה SMS הודעת טקסט טלפון
(Photo: Shutterstock)
Gilad Carmeli, head of Ynet’s news desk, was told by a caller, "I have important news to tell you. Your government is harming your security."
Similar calls were reported by several journalists in May, originating from international numbers and featuring broken Hebrew spoken with an Iranian accent.
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