'I didn't have time to cover my head': Testimonies from deadly Majdal Shams strike

Northern Druze town resident recalls moments following impact of rocket that killed 11 youths; paramedic recounts 'difficult scene'

Israel Moskovitz, Einav Halabi|Updated:
"We arrived at the scene and saw damage and belongings set on fire," Idan Avshalom, a senior Magden David MDA paramedic, described the scene he arrived at on Saturday after a Hezbollah rocket struck a soccer field in Majdal Shams in the Golan Heights, killing 11 youths and injuring over 20 others, at least five of them in critical condition.
"The injured were lying on the grass, and the scenes were difficult to watch. We began treating the injured immediately. Some of them were evacuated to local clinics. The injured are still receiving medical attention,” he added.
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זירת הפגיעה במג'דל שמס
זירת הפגיעה במג'דל שמס
Rocket impact site in Majdal Shams
(Photo: REUTERS/Avi Ohayon)
Lobby 1710, an Israeli activist group advocating for a large-scale military campaign against Hezbollah amid ongoing rocket fire toward northern communities, said, "The horrific massacre of Israeli children at a soccer field in Majdal Shams crosses all red lines. The harrowing images of children’s body parts, who only wanted to play together, remind us of the images of October 7.”
“It’s the time to put the talk aside and focus on actions. The Galilee and Golan Heights are burning, the State of Israel is losing the north and the residents are losing their homes. The situation is worsening with each passing day. Decisions and actions are needed now! We mustn’t wait for the prime minister’s return [from the U.S.] and stall like we’re used to,” the group added in its statement.
Nasser, a resident of Majdal Shams, recounted the moment of impact to Ynet. "This is the first time we were hit. There was a siren; I didn't have time to cover my head with my hands when the explosion happened,” he said.
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נפילה במג'דל שמס
נפילה במג'דל שמס
Rocket impact site in Majdal Shams
(Photo: Magen David Adom)
"Some children who were injured have no chance of being saved. This war needs to end. They’re all little kids, playing around with scooters and bicycles, playing soccer. No one knows where their children are; no one is allowed to come near the area. There were over 30 ambulances and many Magen David Adom teams here. I've never been in such a situation in my life."
Another local claimed that the Iron Dome missile defense system was not activated.
"It's a dark day in Majdal Shams," said Dolan Abu Saleh, head of the Majdal Shams Local Council. "We ask everyone to stay in their homes and not disrupt traffic in front of the rescue forces. We are still in the midst of the incident, there may be more bombings."
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First published: 21:38, 07.27.24
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