Lebanese astronomer denies rumors of death

Abdel Latif's controversial predictions have gained her fame, including a prediction of a civil war in America 

Laila Abdel Latif, a Lebanese-born astronomer, was falsely rumored to have died.
Al Watan cites the astronomer's business manager, who denied the rumors, calling them "completely baseless," and saying she is in good health.
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מצפה כוכבים וטלסקופים במכתש ירוחם  עם מיזם האסטרונומיה "שירת הכוכבים".
מצפה כוכבים וטלסקופים במכתש ירוחם  עם מיזם האסטרונומיה "שירת הכוכבים".
(Photo: Shahar Cohen)
Her official social media accounts denied the rumors and called out the false news.
Abdel Latif's controversial predictions have gained her fame, including a prediction of a civil war in America. Some believe she predicted the attempted assassination of former US President Donald Trump. The astronomer predicted the divorce of Egyptian actors Yasmine Abdel Aziz and Ahmed El-Awadi which took place in 2016.
She also predicted unprecedented natural disasters in 2025 and 2026.
Abdel Latif's official page accused fake sites of spreading lies and seeking more social media engagement.
This article was written in collaboration with Generative AI news company Alchemiq
Sources: Al-Watan, Al-Bawaba, Notiulti, News Directory 3.
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