Assassination fashion: Attempt on Trump's life is hit on t-shirt and mugs

Chinese and American designers quick to realize iconic photo following failed assassination attempt could turn into profitable and fashionable business opportunities

Itay Yaacov|
The assassination attempt on former U.S. president Donald Trump has turned into a fashion trend in the last 72 hours. Less than three hours after the incident, t-shirts featuring the powerful photo captured by AP news agency photographer Evan Vucci appeared on Chinese shopping sites.
In the photo, likely to be remembered as the defining image of 2024, Trump is seen raising his fist against the backdrop of the American flag, blood running down his face from his right ear, while five U.S. Secret Service agents surround him. The rage, shame, fear and victorious fist create an unforgettable, multi-layered image that glorifies the attempt on Trump’s life and portrays him as a martyr.
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תיעוד: דונלד טראמפ נורה במהלך נאומו בעצרת הבחירות בפנסילבניה
תיעוד: דונלד טראמפ נורה במהלך נאומו בעצרת הבחירות בפנסילבניה
Donald Trump after the assassination attempt
(Photo: AP /Evan Vucci)
The first to understand the economic potential of the event were the Chinese. Shopping sites like and Alibaba Group's Taobao featured t-shirts with Vucci's image about three hours after the assassination attempt, with the caption "shooting makes me stronger."
The shirt sold for $9, but Chinese authorities quickly removed it from sites on Monday according to the BBC. This wasn’t due to copyright violations but to Trump’s harsh criticism of the Chinese government and the imposing of economic sanctions on Chinese companies during his time in office.
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חולצות עם תמונה של דונלד טראמפ לאחר ניסיון ההתנקשות
חולצות עם תמונה של דונלד טראמפ לאחר ניסיון ההתנקשות
T-shirts with the photo on sale on Amazon
(Photo: Screengrab)
The U.S., however, continues to play into the trend. And some say it wouldn't be surprising if Trump and his campaign team were behind the t-shirt sales initiative, seizing any opportunity to profit from his image.
On Monday, less than 48 hours after the shooting at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania, over a hundred t-shirts, sweatshirts, and mugs featuring the former president's likeness appeared for sale on Etsy. Similar shirts with a variety of captions can also be found on Amazon.
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