Katz to UN: 'Israel will no longer tolerate this war of attrition'

In letter to UN Security Council, foreign minister demands full implementation of Resolution 1701; 'Hezbollah deliberately embeds itself within civilian infrastructure, using the population as human shields.' he wrote

Foreign Minister Israel Katz called on the UN Security Council Monday to take action against Hezbollah and Iran, declaring that “Israel will no longer tolerate the war of attrition that Hezbollah and Iran are trying to impose on us.”
In a letter to the council, Katz demanded full enforcement of Resolution 1701, which mandates the disarmament of Hezbollah and prohibits armed groups in southern Lebanon.
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מליאת הכנסת ביום ה-234 למלחמה
מליאת הכנסת ביום ה-234 למלחמה
Foreign Minister Israel Katz
(Photo: Shalev Shalom)
He accused Hezbollah of embedding itself within civilian areas and using the population as human shields, urging the council to “strongly condemn the latest attack launched by Hezbollah at Iran’s behest.”
“Israel does not seek a full-scale war,” Katz wrote, “but we will take all necessary measures to defend ourselves and our citizens in accordance with international law.” He blamed Iran for directing Hezbollah’s aggression since October 8, as well as arming its proxies, including the Houthis, who he said threaten both Israel and international stability.
He urged the international community to intensify sanctions on Iran and to designate the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist organization.
Katz also emphasized Israel’s diplomatic efforts, saying that over the past year, Israel has pursued a diplomatic solution with Lebanon to allow the safe return of both Israeli and displaced Lebanese civilians. He claimed that Hezbollah rejected these efforts and linked the issue to a cease-fire in Gaza.
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מועצת הביטחון של האו"ם מטה האו"ם בניו יורק
מועצת הביטחון של האו"ם מטה האו"ם בניו יורק
UN Security Council
(Photo: Reuters/Eduardo Munoz)
"While Israel has shown remarkable restraint over the past 11 months, we will not endure the continued war of attrition that Hezbollah and its patron Iran are trying to force upon us," Katz continued.
He concluded by urging the Security Council to act to ensure the full implementation of Resolution 1701.
"Now, this council must act to ensure the full implementation of Resolution 1701. Hezbollah is intentionally spreading its military operations within civilian infrastructure in Lebanon, using the population as human shields. Israel has monitored this and will act to protect its people from Hezbollah's attacks.
Interceptions in Haifa on Monday

"We have issued warnings to civilians in Lebanon near buildings and areas used by Hezbollah for military purposes, advising them to evacuate for their safety. I call on the Security Council to strongly condemn Hezbollah’s latest offensive, directed by its Iranian patron, and its ongoing attempts to destabilize the region."
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