Sole Jewish member of Arab party says attacks on settlements 'not terror'

Ofer Cassif from Hadash–Ta'al says settlers have accountability for terror attacks committed against them since they are not innocent civilians; 'They live as a thorn in the throats of the Palestinians,' he says, blaming 'Israeli occupation' for bloodshed
Sharon Kidon, Yishai Shnerb|
The sole Jewish member of an Arab party said Monday that Palestinian attacks committed against Israelis living in Jewish settlements in the West Bank are "not terror."
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  • A day after Ronen Hananiya, a victim of an attack on the settlement of Kiryat Arba, was laid to rest, Hadash–Ta'al party lawmaker Ofer Cassif said the settlers have accountability for the terror attacks against them.
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          עופר כסיף
          עופר כסיף
    Ofer Cassif
    (Photo: Rafi Kotz)
    "The Israeli occupation is what started it all, and everything is derived from it," Cassif said. "The bloodshed among both Palestinians and Israelis will stop when the occupation stops."
    The Palestinian who shot and killed Hananiya who just went to the grocery with his kid is not a terrorist?
    "In a way, he is. We do support nonviolent resistance to the occupation, but we need to understand that the occupation results in daily resistance, there are also pogroms of settlers against Palestinians. So they are also guilty in the attacks."
    The Lion's Den members who ambush passing cars and shot them, are they terrorists?
    "The Lion's Den fight against Israeli security forces is not terrorism."
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    רונן חנניה
    רונן חנניה
    Victim of the Kiryat Arba terror attack Ronen Hananiya
    When soldier Noa Lazar stood at the checkpoint, without pointing her weapon at Palestinians, and they shot her in the head, isn't it terrorism?
    "We don't want such incidents to happen, but those who are responsible for the killing of hers and others - are those who sent her to serve as cannon fodder."
    So the Lion's Den fight is legitimate?
    "Fighting against military forces is a legitimate struggle, I prefer non-violent struggle but the fight against the IDF is a legitimate struggle under international law."
    What about Arab-Israeli terrorists from Umm al-Fahm who were behind the Bnei Brak terror attack in which five people died?
    "Those who kill innocent civilians like in Bnei Brak are certainly terrorists."
    So, Hananiya's murder isn't terrorism even though all he did was to go with his son to a Palestinian grocery store?
    "No, it is not [terror]. Don't describe him as an innocent man, surely those who live as a thorn in the throats of the Palestinians are not innocent civilians. I and other members of the Hadash-Ta'al party have been saying it for several years now - we support a non-violent struggle. But as it happens everywhere there is occupation and oppression, those who expect the occupied and oppressed to sit idly by and not resist are lying to themselves."
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