Romi Gonen's family marks her 24th birthday as she remains in Hamas captivity

Family and friends highlight hope and unity at a heartfelt event at the Peres Center for Peace; attendees wear symbolic colors, engage in activities and share uplifting messages of support

Family and friends gathered at the Peres Center for Peace in Jaffa on Sunday to mark what would have been Romi Gonen’s 24th birthday. Abducted from the Nova music festival on October 7, she has been held hostage for 317 days.
The event, widely publicized, encouraged attendees to wear yellow or leopard-print clothing to symbolize Romi's vibrant and fierce spirit—radiant like the sun and strong as a lioness.
The gathering for Romi's birthday
(Video: Ido Erez)

The evening featured heartfelt messages from loved ones, a cocktail stand with Romi's favorite drinks and a station for creating posters advocating for the captives' return. Guests adorned themselves with flower garlands, participated in a dance class and enjoyed performances by musical artists Raviv Kaner and Lola Marsh.
For those unable to attend, Romi's family suggested honoring her birthday with a kind act embodying her spirit—calling grandparents, smiling at strangers or helping someone in need. They also invited people to toast with one of Romi's favorite cocktails, Spicy Beach or Porn Star Martini, hoping to spread her unique light until her return.
"Join us in a loud birthday cheer—let it reach Gaza, and together we’ll blow out the candles for Romi," urged her mother, Meirav Leshem Gonen. "Afterward, we ask you make a wish in your heart, and say 'Romi is coming back, as are all hostages.'"
Romi's father, Eitan, expressed his deep longing. "My Romi, how deeply I miss you—your voice, your hug, your smile, and your vibrant energy. You’re a magnificent soul, a global justice warrior, admired by all who know you. Every day, I send a prayer and positive energy, believing it reaches you even in that tunnel. Our extended family has rallied since that day, doing things we've never done before, all for your return and that of the other captives. You know, darling, no one prepared us for this monumental event. There’s no course for a father whose daughter was kidnapped. But I have unwavering support at home."
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מציינים יום הולדת 24 לרומי גונן בשבי חמאס
מציינים יום הולדת 24 לרומי גונן בשבי חמאס
The gathering for Romi's birthday
(Photo: Yuval Hen)
He continued, "I am an incurable optimist and I know we'll meet soon to make up for everything you've missed. When you return, I won’t let go of you—I’ll protect you fiercely, shower you with kisses and love, and remind you of how amazing you are. If there’s a superhero in the world, it’s you. Waiting with open arms until you come back to me. Romi is coming back."
Romi's younger sister, Daria, addressed her. "Your favorite day of the year is here. The day you deserve to celebrate like everyone else. It tears me apart to think that it's your day and you’re not here. There’s no way to describe the longing for you. Romi raised me into who I am today—always the first to help, whether it requires great effort or is just trivial. Romi is always there for me in tough times and the happiest moments."
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רומי גונן עם אמה ואחיותיה באחד מימי ההולדת האחרונים
רומי גונן עם אמה ואחיותיה באחד מימי ההולדת האחרונים
Romi with her family a year ago
Her older brother, Shahaf, added, "Like every year, we wish you a happy birthday, and this time we mean it from the bottom of our hearts. A happy birthday that will bring you home, bring you to us, bring you back from darkness to light. Our Romi, don't lose hope. Yes, 317 days have passed, but we all believe you’re coming back, you’re coming back strong—we have no doubt."
Romi's grandmother, Deborah, recalled their last meeting on Romi's 23rd birthday, just before her abduction. She shared her wish to have traded places with her granddaughter and urged those involved in negotiations to bring Romi home. "I miss her, dream of her, and she’s always smiling in my dreams. Sweet girl, come back to us. In three days, it’s your birthday according to the Hebrew date. In three days, they (the negotiation team) will decide. Please decide positively, bring her back."
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מציינים יום הולדת 24 לרומי גונן בשבי חמאס
מציינים יום הולדת 24 לרומי גונן בשבי חמאס
Missing Romi
(Photo: Yuval Hen)
Romi's aunt, Michal, praised the support of their extended family, as well as the wider community of captives' families and the nation. "Thank you for being here; it gives us a lot of strength, and Romi will return."
Romi's friends also shared their thoughts. "Today is harder than all other days; it’s a day meant to be joyful, yet we wonder if you know what date it is today. You deserve to celebrate properly, to get drunk, dance, laugh, and just be happy. Instead, you’re still there. We know how strong you are. We wanted to tell you that we love you, and you deserve to celebrate as you love. All this will happen soon, and you’ll be here. Meanwhile, we send you a giant hug, knowing that even in the darkest place, you’ll find the light. Love, your friends. And Romi is coming back!"
Romi’s 24th birthday was also commemorated in New York City. Hundreds gathered in leopard-print clothing, a tradition her family has upheld every Wednesday since October 7. Romi's relatives read a letter from her mother. "Our brave Romi always knew how to seize the moment, never missing an opportunity to live life to the fullest. Now we have the chance for a deal, and like Romi, we must not let it pass. Bring them home now."
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