Attempted stabbing attack at IDF base thwarted

Contractor worker at Lachish training base near Beit Guvrin tried to stab a soldier at a guard post and was neutralized by a noncommissioned officer

An attempted terrorist attack took place on Monday morning at the entrance to the IDF's Lachish training base. A contractor worker at the Lachish Air Force base tried to stab a soldier at one of the guard posts at the training base of the Central Command and was neutralized by gun fire from by a noncommissioned officer. The IDF spokesman said that there were no casualties and the details are under investigation.
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הכניסה לבסיס בא"פ לכיש
הכניסה לבסיס בא"פ לכיש
Entrance to the Lachish Air Force base
At the beginning of last week, a police officer was slightly injured in a stabbing attack in the Damascus Gate area of ​​Jerusalem, at a check point. The terrorist who stabbed him was shot dead.
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