Man killed by shrapnel in Hezbollah rocket fire on Nahariya

Braen Direktor, 27, is the fourth fatality in the city within a month; IDF says 10 rockets launched from Lebanon, triggering air raid sirens in northern coastal city and neighboring Western Galilee towns

Shimon Elbaz, Yoav Zitun|
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A man was killed Thursday after being critically wounded by rocket fire in the northern Israeli city of Nahariya, Magen David Adom (MDA) medics confirmed. He was later identified as Braen Direktor, a 27-year-old resident of Ma’alot-Tarshiha.
“We arrived at an open area near a playground and found a man in his 30s lying unconscious with shrapnel wounds to his body,” MDA medic Dor Vaknin said. “We performed medical checks, but he showed no signs of life and we were forced to pronounce him dead.”


Hezbollah rockets intercepted over Nahariya
The victim is the fourth fatality in the city within a month. Ziv Belfer, 52, and Shamoun Najm, 54, were killed last week in a direct hit on a carpentry shop in the city, and Edward Salulov died after being struck by interceptor shrapnel last month.
MDA Director Eli Bin reported that teams treated one person with minor injuries caused by shockwaves and several others suffering from shock.
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 הרוג בנהריה בעקבות פגיעה מרסיסי רקטות
 הרוג בנהריה בעקבות פגיעה מרסיסי רקטות
Medics at the rocket impact scene in Nahariya
(Photo: Magen David Adom)
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 הרוג בנהריה בעקבות פגיעה מרסיסי רקטות
 הרוג בנהריה בעקבות פגיעה מרסיסי רקטות
Medics at the rocket impact scene in Nahariya
(Photo: Magen David Adom)
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יירוטים בנהריה
יירוטים בנהריה
Hezbollah rockets intercepted over Nahariya
(Photo: REUTERS/Thomas Peter)
The IDF reported that ten rockets were launched from Lebanon, triggering air raid sirens in Nahariya, the Western Galilee towns of Gesher HaZiv, Lehman and Sa’ar, as well as the Milouot Industrial Zone.
“Most of the projectiles were intercepted and fallen projectiles were identified.,” the military said in a statement.
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