3 murdered in shooting attack at Israel-Jordan border crossing; all land crossings closed

Terrorist arrives by truck from Jordan, opens fire, killed by security staff; PM says Israel is surrounded by a murderous ideology led by Iran; all land border crossings to Jordan closed  

scene of deadly terror attack at border crossing to Jordan
(צילום: דוברות מד"א )

Three people were murdered in a shooting attack at the King Hussein border crossing to Jordan. The assailant was shot dead by security personnel on the scene.
The dead were identified as men in the 50s who suffered gunshot wounds first described as critical. Medical teams later pronounced them dead on the scene.
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זירת הפיגוע במעבר אלנבי
זירת הפיגוע במעבר אלנבי
Aftermath of a shooting attack at the Israel-Jordan border crossing to Jordan
Initial reports were that the attack was launched by a Jordanian truck driver who arrived at the border crossing from Jordan. He left his vehicle and shot the three men from close range.
the attack took place in the cargo section of the facility, used for trucks carrying products between the bordering countries.
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זירת הפיגוע במעבר אלנבי
זירת הפיגוע במעבר אלנבי
Aftermath of a shooting attack at the Israel-Jordan border crossing to Jordan
(Photo: MDA)
"This is a very serious event," Yotam Tzur, a paramedic for Magen David Adom (MDA) said. "We saw three men on the ground with gunshot wounds and no pulse. Along with military medics we began administering emergency care but unfortunately had to pronounce them dead."
Security forces were rushed to the area and were conducting searches for possible accomplices or any further threat.
Jordan has closed the bridge crossing with the West Bank as it investigates a shooting incident in which three Israelis were killed, a Jordanian official told Reuters.
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Israel was surrounded by a murderous ideology led by Iran. "The murderers want to kill every last one of us," he said adding they do not differentiate those leaning left from right, those religious or secular, Jews or non-Jews.
Israel closed all land border crossings to Jordan after the deadly attack at the King Hussein crossing in the Jordan Valley. "At the instruction of security officials, all activity in land border crossings from Eilat in the South to Beit She'an in the north has been suspended," the Airport Authority responsible for border crossings said in a statement.

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