Two Jews and a Muslim: new UK government’s senior lawyers are sworn in

Attorney-General Richard Hermer and Solicitor-General Sarah Sackman take up their roles alongside lord chancellor Shabana Mahmood at the Royal Courts of Justice

Lee Harpin/Jewish News|
At the Royal Courts of Justice in the Strand, Attorney-General Richard Hermer KC and Solicitor-General Sarah Sackman, both Jewish, were sworn into their roles alongside lord chancellor Shabana Mahmood, who is a Muslim.
The three were sworn in before England and Wales’s top judges on Monday.
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Sarah Sackman, left, Shabana Mahmood, centre, Richard Hermer, right
Sarah Sackman, left, Shabana Mahmood, centre, Richard Hermer, right
Sarah Sackman, left, Shabana Mahmood, center, Richard Hermer, right
Sackman, elected Finchley and Golders Green MP earlier this month, said it was a “huge honor” be handed the ministerial role in Keir Starmer’s government.
The barrister, a regular at New North London synagogue said all three legal experts had “reaffirmed our commitment to protect the rule of law and advise the Government as it serves the public.”
Dame Sue Carr, the lady chief justice referenced Sackman’s seminar at the LSE titled ‘Law and the City’ which provoked laughs from the audience at the ceremony.
She said: "The title may perhaps pay tribute to a well-known American TV series. If so, I wonder if there is scope to draw on its sequel.
“Why might that be? Well, you were first elected to parliament, as MP for Finchley and Golders Green, just over a week ago. “And ‘just like that’, you are here today taking your oath as solicitor general, your first ministerial office.”
Dame Carr also praised Mahmood noting she was “the first lord chancellor to swear their oath on the Qur’an.”
Hermer, who was made a peer by Keir Starmer, also said it was a “profound privilege” to hold the role of Attorney General and said it was “our job to speak truth to power”.
He is a member of Alyth Gardens synagogue and was among a group of top Jewish lawyers who signed a letter calling on Israel to observe international laws in its response to the Hamas terror attacks of October 7th.
Like Sackman, Hermer has worked at Matrix Chambers, leaving the firm with two members in the heart of Downing Street.
The new Lord Chancellor and Justice Secretary in the government also pledged to continue “defending the international rule of law and upholding human rights” as she was sworn in at the ceremony.
Barrister Adam Wagner, who attended the ceremony, later posted on X: ”An absolute privilege to have been present for the swearing-in of the new Lord Chancellor, Attorney General and Solicitor General.
“Very moving to hear Shabana Mahmood talk about her Kashmiri heritage and how she is the first Muslim to be Lord Chancellor, and swear on the Koran.
“And to follow the Abrahamic theme, the new AG and SG Richard Hermer KC and Sarah Sackman are Jewish.
“But the most inspiring thing of all was to hear all three talk passionately about the rule of law and promise to uphold it, something which has been sorely lacking in recent years.
“There was a huge amount of goodwill from the bar and solicitor, professions, and Judiciary. Here’s hoping that they honor it!”
  • The story was reprinted with the permission of Jewish News
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