IDF reveals Hezbollah planned to fire cruise missile from Lebanon apartment

Chief military spokesperson reveals footage of Hezbollah terrorists who removed the front wall of a residential home in order to fire the missile at Israel; IDF calls on Lebanese civilians to distance themselves from terror group's weapon silos

IDF strike on cruise missile's location
(Video: IDF Spokesperson's Unit)

IDF Spokesperson Rear Admiral Daniel Hagari on Monday revealed that Hezbollah terrorists planned to fire a cruise missile at Israel from a residential home in Lebanon. Hagari called on Lebanese civilians to distance themselves from ammunition and equipment depots used by the terror group, warning the IDF will proceed to strike them in the country.
The structure Hagari revealed was attacked a few weeks ago as well, after the IDF noticed Hezbollah operatives had created an opening in the walls of the building’s front, planning to launch a DR-3 cruise missile loaded with hundreds of kilograms of explosives. In footage released by the IDF, a terrorist is seen exiting the structure followed by the building being struck.
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הצהרתו של דובר צה"ל דניאל הגרי אודות התקיפות בלבנון
הצהרתו של דובר צה"ל דניאל הגרי אודות התקיפות בלבנון
Home from which Hezbollah planned to fire cruise missile
(Photo: IDF Spokesperson's Unit)
"Here we are exposing Hezbollah’s method of hiding a cruise missile inside a home. The terrorists create a designated opening for the missile launch. Here you can see how we identified the terrorists making an opening in the building that exposed the missile. In a precise strike, the IDF eliminated the terrorists and this missile launching infrastructure, shortly before the launch,” Hagari said.
The IDF’s objective is to return northern residents to their homes by pushing the threat away from the border fence and distancing Hezbollah's Radwan Force alongside destroying infrastructure near the border.
The removal of Lebanese residents from the border with Israel is a major blow to Hezbollah and Lebanon. Simultaneously, the IDF aims to deny Hezbollah the ability to launch rockets from villages and homes where their weapons are stored.
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Information on Hezbollah's ballistic missile
Information on Hezbollah's ballistic missile
Information on Hezbollah's ballistic missile
(Photo: IDF Spokesperson's Unit)
Amid increasing threats from Israeli officials, Hagari was asked if the IDF is prepared and considering a ground operation in Lebanon and whether, in his view, such an operation is essential for Israel's security. "We will do whatever is necessary to return the northern residents to their homes. We have detailed plans and we have presented them to decision-makers," he responded.
Following criticism that the IDF acted with full force only when the threat was directed at Tel Aviv, Hagari was asked if the IDF had diminished Hezbollah’s ability to launch missiles toward central Israel. "Our strikes yesterday were also part of the effort to prevent fire aimed at northern residents and other areas,” he said.
In the past 24 hours, alongside Hezbollah’s fire toward Israel, drones and cruise missiles were launched at Israel from Iraq by Shiite militias. Hagari was asked if Israel would retaliate against the militias operating on Iran’s incentive. "We have been acting against all fronts since the start of the war. We will act to neutralize threats from any location necessary," he answered.
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תא״ל דניאל הגרי
תא״ל דניאל הגרי
IDF Spokemman Daniel Hagari
(Photo: IDF Spokesperson's Unit)
The extensive strikes in Lebanon came about 24 hours after Hezbollah's massive barrage into Israel which reached communities untouched by the conflict so far. The targets included not only launch sites but also Hezbollah weapons silos found in populated areas.
Saudi outlet Al-Hadath reported that over 100 strikes were carried out in Lebanon by dozens of IDF fighter jets. Hezbollah’s Al-Manar network reported strikes across all border towns in Lebanon, and over 80 strikes took place in the Nabatieh region within half an hour according to the Lebanese news agency.
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