Hochstein visits Israel amid growing calls for war with Hezbollah

As tensions increase, U.S. Middle East envoy is set to meet Netanyahu, Herzog and Gallant in another attempt at preventing all-out war in Lebanon; prime minister to leave for UN headquarters Monday

U.S. Middle East envoy Amos Hochstein arrived in Israel on Monday and is expected to meet with President Isaac Herzog, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Defense Minister Yoav Gallant. The visit comes amid American concerns about a potential security escalation between Israel and Lebanon, which could spiral into war.
The Americans are worried about Israeli security officials calling for a military campaign in Lebanon and are warning of its consequences. Israeli officials, however, said diplomatic efforts have so far been fruitless, insisting they won’t wait and are determined to allow northern residents to return to their homes after operating on the northern border.
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נסראללה, עמוס הוכשטיין, נתניהו
נסראללה, עמוס הוכשטיין, נתניהו
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, Amos Hochstein, Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah
(Photo: Miriam Elster, AFP / DALATI NOHRA)
Despite the security tensions and calls for action against Hezbollah, Netanyahu will be absent from Israel for six days next week due to his leaving for the UN General Assembly in New York on Monday overnight, and his speech set to take place Friday morning (New York time).
Netanyahu, traveling to the U.S. on the Wing of Zion aircraft, will return to Israel on Saturday night and arrive on Sunday afternoon. The state aircraft allows Netanyahu to maintain classified communication with Israel.
Meanwhile, U.S. Ambassador to Israel Jacob Lew urged Israel to avoid a war in Lebanon. "We are working to ensure that Israel, the U.S., Qatar and Egypt form a unified position as much as possible, to eventually force Hamas to make a decision. The latest indications we’ve received from the Israeli government show flexibility on key issues, and we need to bring this to a conclusion," he said.
"There's a strategic opportunity present," he added. "If there’s a period of quiet in Gaza, it could pave the way for negotiations to reach an agreement in the north that would prevent a broader war. The challenge is to act quickly enough so that the situation doesn't escalate into a conflict, which I believe neither the Israeli government nor Hezbollah desires."
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יואב גלנט ושר ההגנה האמריקאי לויד אוסטין
יואב גלנט ושר ההגנה האמריקאי לויד אוסטין
Defense Minister Yoav Gallant and U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin
(Photo: Ariel Chermoni, Defense Ministry)
Defense Minister Yoav Gallant on Monday said the window for a diplomatic solution to the war against Hezbollah in Israel's north, is closing. "Hezbollah continues to align itself with Hamas, Gallant told U.S. Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin in an overnight call adding the direction that the crisis was heading is clear.
He said Israel is committed to returning the residents of the border area home safely and to remove the Iran-backed terror group away from the border.
Netanyahu on Sunday said the government will do whatever is necessary to end the attacks on the north. "The current situation will not continue," Netanyahu said. "We will do everything necessary to safely return our residents to their homes."
Despite 11 months of criticism leveled at his government for allowing unending attacks from Hezbollah across the northern border, Netanyahu said he would not let the current situation continue.
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השריפה ביער ביריה בעקבות הירי
השריפה ביער ביריה בעקבות הירי
Fires in northern Israel following Hezbollah launches
(Photo: Israel Fire and Rescue Authority)
The Americans are concerned about the direction both sides are heading and are trying to keep a "limited" conflict to prevent a full-scale war. “Amos’s trips are a continuation of the diplomacy he has conducted for many months to prevent a second front. It’s part of ongoing efforts by the administration and the team to prevent escalation and the spread of this conflict,” said U.S. National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby in a briefing to reporters on Friday.
Kirby added that the visit is scheduled for next week. He also addressed negotiations for the release of hostages, noting that the U.S. is still holding remote talks with Egypt regarding a potential deal.
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