Zelensky to virtually address Knesset next week, sources say

Sources say steps are being taken to ensure as many MKs as possible attend video link address in person since Knesset is currently on its winter recess; Ukrainian leader also set to address U.S. Congress on Wednesday
Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to address the Knesset via video link early next week, sources said Tuesday.
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  • The sources said since the Knesset is currently on its winter recess, steps are being taken to ensure that as many MKs as possible attend the address in person.
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     נשיא אוקראינה ברחובות קייב
     נשיא אוקראינה ברחובות קייב
    Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky
    The news came just days after it emerged Ukrainian officials have approached Knesset Speaker Mickey Levy, apparently requesting arrangements be made for Zelensky to deliver a virtual address to the parliament via Zoom.
    Levy initially replied that the move was not possible due to the current parliamentary recess, but offered to conduct a Zoom meeting with Zelensky and some Knesset members instead.
    A day later, Levy's office said in a statement that it would be an honor to host Zelensky and that the two men agreed the president will address the Knesset via Zoom, with the date to be finalized soon.
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    נשיא אוקראינה זלנסקי מבקר חיילים אוקראינים פצועים ב בית ה חולים משב מלחמה רוסיה אוקראינה
    נשיא אוקראינה זלנסקי מבקר חיילים אוקראינים פצועים ב בית ה חולים משב מלחמה רוסיה אוקראינה
    Zelensky visits wounded troops
    (Photo: EPA)
    "We feared that all the Knesset members wouldn't be able to arrive on such short notice, because they have plans," a Knesset official said last week.
    Zelensky already addressed the British Parliament last Tuesday via video link, with a speech echoing Winston Churchill's rallying call during World War II. "We'll fight in forests, fields, streets," he said during the speech to the applause of the British MPs.
    The Ukrainian president is also set to address U.S. Congress on Wednesday as he attempts to galvanize world leaders to aid his country in the wake of the Russian invasion.
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